Warrior Amazone

Location: Germany , OTHER, Frankfurt
Email: [email protected]
Last Activity: 02/05/2025 Joined: 11/14/2021
Height: 5'6” - 168 cm
Weight: 165 lbs - 74.8 kg
Physique: Athletic
Years Of Experience: 5-15 years plus
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Warrior Amazone, eine Namenskreation, die roh, gefährlich und auch etwas exotisch wirkt. Der Name ist Programm. Vor vier Jahren bin ich in die Welt des Session Wrestling eingestiegen. Bereits damals mit zahlreichen Vorkenntnissen ausgestattet. Mit einem blauen Gürtel im brasilianischen Jiu Jitsu im Gepäck betrat ich Neuland. Ich habe gehört, dass es viele Leute außerhalb der Kampfsportkreise gibt, die glauben, sie könnten sich in bezahlten Wrestling-Kämpfen mit starken Frauen messen. Ein Vertreter des sogenannten starken Geschlechts glaubte allen Ernstes, sich mit einer motivierenden Kampfmaschinerie messen zu können, diese sogar besiegen zu können.
Eine ziemlich dumme und anmaßende Haltung, die mich dazu veranlasst, diesem Herrn zu zeigen, wo der Hammer hängt. Und das feiere ich nun schon seit vier Jahren.
Immer wieder kommen neue, willige Opfer und finden sich bald krumm und wimmernd auf dem Mattenboden wieder.
Ich liebe es auch, zu dominieren. Es werden keine Sitzungen gegeben, in denen ich ohne Top-Kämpfe oder sexuelle Aktivitäten ausführe. Aber es macht mir Spaß, einen Gentleman zu erniedrigen.
Ich kann ihn zerquetschen, ihm mit meinen Beinen die Luft rauben oder ihn einfach verprügeln.
Ich beherrsche viele Kampftechniken. Mein Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf brasilianischem Jiu Jitsu, aber ich bin auch erfahren und ausgebildet in Jiu Jitsu, Boxen, Thaiboxen, olympischem Freestyle Wrestling und Grappling.
Ich bin stets bestrebt, einem internationalen Publikum die Möglichkeit zu bieten, Demut und Unterwerfung zu lernen. Meine Reisen führen mich bereits in viele Länder der Welt, wie zum Beispiel Schweden, die USA, Spanien, Thailand, die Schweiz und viele andere.
Buchen Sie Ihre Sitzung und finden Sie heraus, wie schön es sein kann, zu verlieren
Session Deposit Policy
- Deposit is Non Refundable if you cancel anytime before the agreed session date.
- Deposit is Refundable if I cancel the session.
- Deposit is Refundable if I have to cancel and we are unable to reschedule.
Services Offered
- Private Webcam / Skype / Video Chat
- Phone Chat
- Other Webcam Shows
- Competitive Wrestling
- Semi-Competitive Wrestling
- Fantasy Wrestling
- Pro Wrestling
- Submission Wrestling
- Pin Wrestling
- 2 on 1 Wrestling
- Couples Wrestling
- MMAJudo
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
- Muay Thai
- Grappling
- Competitive Boxing
- Semi-Competitive Boxing
- Fantasy Boxing
- Competitive Kickboxing
- Semi-Competitive Kickboxing
- Fantasy Kickboxing
- Fantasy Catfighting
- 2 or More on 1 Handicap Matches
- Tag Team Matches
- Armwrestling
- Foxy
- Boxing
- Female vs Female
- Tickle Wrestling
- Scissoring
- Custom Videos
- Feats of Strength
- Posing / Modeling
- Belly PunchingIn-Gym
- Training
- Bondage Wrestling
- Others: Please email request
Date Begins | Date Leaving | City | Area | Country |
02/09/2025 | 02/21/2025 | Frankfurt am Main | OTHER | Germany |
02/23/2025 | 02/25/2025 | Madrid | OTHER | Spain |
I met Warrior Amazon in Frankfurt about 4 weeks ago for a competitive wrestling session and it was great fun. In terms of organisation, I have to give a big thank you to Foxxy Squeeze as she organised me meeting Amazon and the space that we wrestled in. In terms of the location it was in downtown Frankfurt and it was a gym with matted floors – which make for way better wrestling sessions than hotel rooms in my opinion.
Warrior is a lovely engaging person who is quite skilled at wrestling and in particular she has very strong legs. She was willing to go quite fully competitively with me and I thought that was great. We pretty much wrestled non stop for an hour and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. If you are after a match with a skilled woman, then Warrior is a very good choice.
On top of that she was incredibly helpful when I was trying to organise meeting my Uber driver after the session and spoke to him on the phone about location as I have no German.
Thanks Warrior Amazon for being such a delightful person anda challenging wrestling session.
I have had several sessions with Warrior Amazone and we wrestled Freestyle pin wrestling and in every session and every match she has not only won every match but crushed me flat.. I am 5’9″ 200 lbs. and wrestled up to the college level and have some martial arts training and she has made quick work of me, and when gets her tree trunk legs on me it is lights out, highest recommendation.
Couple of months ago me and my partner decided to search a session girl. My partner had tried to fulfil my wishes of mixed wrestling but we came to conclusion that she couldn’t offer enough element of competition which I prefer. We started our search for a high-class skilled wrestler and ended up by my long-time favourite Warrior Amazone. We wanted someone who is really good because this would be my first session ever. We wanted this session to be a success because we didn’t want to ruin my fetish. I’m already 47 and my head is busy with this subject since I was thirteen.
I mailed her and we picked up datum which was one and half month further. Waiting was long but I felt like a little kid for the first time in years. Excitement that you don’t feel much when you are adult.
My partner wanted to be present in session and I wanted her to be there as well. We wanted to share this moment. I was really nervous before the meeting with Warrior Amazone. A little bit scared also. I had been reading all her reviews of course but meeting someone stranger in this kind of setting made me feel uncomfortable.
Anyway we pushed the doorbell and she let us in. Within one second vanished my doubts. We met wonderful girl. Her “aura” (which we concluded in the end of the session) took our fears away. She is not only a beauty but also the beast. Her pretty eyes sparkled and her bubble dazed us. We both are not easy-going with the strangers but she had us wrapped around her little finger already by the entrance. She is first-class sweetheart.
We talked ten minutes before we got to real business. She asked what I wanted and I told her our story. I missed competitive wrestling experience and she delivered that with all pleasure. I don’t have martial arts experience so rounds weren’t not that long. She defeated me easily with her strength and technical skills. I had not once the idea that I could play a role in that match. And I know she took it easy on me. She never had to use all her power to overclass me. She made me tap with various manoeuvres.
Before I was wondering if that is true that girl can overpower boy with such an easiness. Answer was yes. And I liked it. Between the rounds we had small chats and she turned back to that sweet little girl. But when new round came changed her eyes to that mode of fighter. I knew that within couple of moves I would lie at the floor again.
At the end she wanted to show me what I did wrong and gave a lesson how I could improve my wrestling. I think that is the sign which shows how great you are. That is the true love to your hobby. I appreciate that a lot.
When we drove away with my partner I told her that I liked our session a lot. She looked at me and said: I think I liked that even more 😊
Short summary: Warrior Amazone is sweetest girl with pure power and wrestling skills. All the other reviews are true. Don’t miss her.
We don’t. We are coming back.
Me again. I had my next session with Warrior Amazone a few days ago. I don’t just want to repeat my words below, so I will try to make it short (btw what is her writing style at all). The conversation before was short and on point. I am blessed she made the first step and asked me to meet again. She needn’t ask me twice.
The session itself was marvelous again. We had a nice talk and of course a fantastic grappling, although you can imagine pretty one sided. Her fighting is incredible. She is maximum skilled because of her fighting sport background and her years long experience. She changed in seconds between all kinds of scissors, chokes, headlocks, pins, armbars, smother, facesitting and so on. I was a ragdoll for her. Even when she let me try to put her in a hold, she was kidding me. Turned the tables within seconds and made me tap. Fighting with her is great excitement. No much words, just doing.
Besides we had a nice talk and I even had the pleasure, inviting her for dinner and a nice walk with her dog at the Main (river through Frankfurt for those who don’t know) afterwards.
This woman is a must know and a must wrestle for everybody who likes wrestling women. So don’t miss her when she is in your city or you are in Frankfurt. More than highly recommended.
Thank you Warrior Amazone for this marvelous day!
Finally I can tell you about my first session with Warrior Amazone. I don’t know, where to begin. First of all you should know, she is one of he kindest person I have ever got to know. As much she is a beast on the mat, as much she is a very friendly, appreciative and likable human besides. It is easy to get in contact and she tries everything to make a session possible. She makes you feel comfortable with her within a short time. And then the session came nearer. I was quite excited. I mean it’s the one and only Warrior Amazone. Although she doesn’t reflect herself like that, she is one of the heroes in this business and very famous. But when she opens the door, you can’t believe she stands right in front of you. Before you know it, you get a big warm hug and the excitement flies away. Amazing! We had a nice talk at the beginning and very quickly you think, you were already friends for a long time.
But the main theme of course is the session itself. She is very appreciative first, asks for your desire or what you don’t want to and talks with you about it, but when you begin, you get to know the other Warrior Amazone. But this side is amazing as well. She is trained in bjj and mma and you notice this very quickly. She puts you in different holds, faster you can think about it. I was totally at her mercy. As much as I tried to get at least a little bit of air, I had no chance at all. She beated me up like I were a doll for her. She really played with me, put me in different holds, tickled me while I was struggling for my life. she trash talked with me. Sometimes she played with me the way to let me come in an upper position, just to turn the tables within a second. A total domination and humiliation, and only because she can. I would never have a chance against her, even in a serious fight.
After more than 90 minutes of suffering she let me go and from one second to the other there was the kind and sweet Warrior again. Just as a proof for that kindness. As I was in town one week later again she thought of meeting me for a coffee. Unfortunately it didn’t work due to time constraints. She even apologized that she hadn’t more time for me after the session.
This woman is a must on every list. If you like fantastic fighting skills, strenght, being dominated and you are in Frankfurt or she travels in your homecountry you should take the chance and don’t miss her. Highly recommended is even to less to express the must to book her. Thank you Warrior Amazone for this great show. I hope there will follow a lot.
I recently had the opportunity for a wrestling session with Warrior Amazon during her visit to Oslo. From the moment I reached out to arrange the session, the process was seamless. Communication via email was clear and prompt, making it easy to set up a time that worked for both of us.
Upon meeting Warrior Amazon, I was immediately struck by her stunning appearance. She looked even more fantastic in person than in her pictures, radiating strength and confidence. It was clear that I was in for an unforgettable experience.
Once the session began, Warrior Amazon showcased her incredible wrestling abilities. Her technique was flawless, and she effortlessly maneuvered me into various holds and pins. However, it was her headscissors that truly left me in awe. Within seconds of being caught in her grip, I found myself tapping out, completely at her mercy.
Beyond her impressive skills on the mat, what truly stood out to me was Warrior Amazon’s personality. Despite her formidable strength, she was warm, friendly, and incredibly encouraging throughout the session. She created a comfortable and welcoming environment, allowing me to fully enjoy the experience while pushing my limits.
In conclusion, I cannot recommend Warrior Amazon highly enough. If you’re looking for a mixed wrestling session that combines skill, strength, and personality, she is the ultimate choice. I will definitely be booking another session with her in the future, whether she returns to Oslo or I find myself in Frankfurt.
ich hatte heute nach langem probieren meinerseits endlich die Möglichkeit mit Warrior Amazon eine Session zu buchen. Ich weiss nicht womit ich anfangen soll, es hat erst angefangen mit der unkomplizierten Kommunikation per Mail/Whatsapp. Warrior Amazon ist es wichtig, dass die Session individuell nach den wünschen gerecht ist und legt sehr hohen wert auf Zufriedenheit ihrer Klienten. heute morgen öffnete eine hübsche junge Dame mit einem großen lächeln und wunderschönen Augen die Tür und ermöglichte so ein warmes herzliches Willkommen. Nach einem kurzen Gespräch, ob es irgendwelche Verletzungen gebe, fingen wir direkt auf der Matte an. Ich buchte eine domination competitive Session. Letzteres blieb mir aus, da sie klar überlegen ist trotz meiner 1,82m und 96kg. Wenn sie euch einmal zwischen ihren Beinen bekommt ist ein Ausweg nur sehr schwer möglich bis garnicht. Ich kann wirklich jedem einzelnen Empfehlen, ob Anfänger, oder bereits erfahrener Session-Fan eine Session mit Warrior zu buchen. Leider ging die Zeit so schnell rum, weil alles gepasst hat. Sie ist frech, stark, hübsch und sehr intelligent. Man merkt sie hat ein Kämpferherz. Wenn ich sie mit Punkten bewerten müssten von 1-10 wäre das eine glatte 20+ 😉 – ich hoffe sehr, dass sich demnächst wieder eine Zeit ergibt, denn eins steht fest: ich werde wieder eine Session buchen und auf eine Revanche gehen. ich werde es ihr nicht wieder so leicht machen. Bis bald Warrior!!
I just had a bondage wrestling session with Warrior Amazon today in Marseille. It’s the second time I meet her. She is fantastic ! very kind, very sexy, very strong. The perfect package. She is in my top 3 with Antscha and Veve Lane. I highly recommend her. She’s a great person. I hope that You will come back to Marseille Dear Kate 🙂
Where do I even begin? I honestly don’t know 🙂 I had the pleasure of having two sessions with Kate during her visit to Dubai. My review of Kate has nothing to do with her strength or competitiveness; not at all. My experience with her was truly unique. We engaged in competitive and challenging physical activities during a roleplay, where she took on the roles of my wife, girlfriend, or partner. The sessions were incredibly enjoyable. Kate is a very sweet person, also very kind. She respected my limits when I highlighted to her not to do any choking holds for my injured neck. We laughed a lot during the sessions, and this actually meant a lot to me; it made the sessions even more enjoyable. Also, I used to tease her by calling her ‘Weak Girl,’ and she used to reply back, ‘Old Man.’ 🙂 My session with her was so special and hard to forget.
I had the pleasure of meeting Warrior Amazon on Sunday 13th August. She has been on my bucket list for a long time and fate was it that she was travelling to the UK for 1 day only and she did not disappoint.
This trip was put in her schedule at short notice as someone sponsored her on a trip to the Isle Of Wight (thank you so much dude). She was then in London for just the 1 day which was too good of an opportunity to pass up.
Warrior Amazon’s communication throughout was superb. She responded extremely quickly considering the short notice and put me at ease. She didnt have a problem with recording the session and didnt even charge extra which is a massive bonus considering that her price point is actually one of the cheapest for someone of her calibre and skill level.
She remarked that she understands that the cost of living is high so felt unfair charging extra for her sessions right now.
The session took place at a hotel. She initially met me outside and was greeted with a hug and a warm smile. She took me up to her room and proceeded to get changed into her outfit that showed off her ample assets which was perfect for the session at hand.
The session itself was a domination type session with plenty of scissor holds, face sitting and breast smothers. She is insanely strong and had me gasping throughout.
My only regret is that we couldn’t do any proper rolling as she didnt have her mats with her for this trip and also it was in a hotel room so not the best to properly grapple. But I assured her that next time when she is back for real.
I also was asked if I wanted to try knockouts but I am not quite ready yet so declined. (one day though)
I would definitely recommend her just based off her personality alone, excluding the fact that she is extremely attractive. She didnt clock watch and after the session was very chill and happy to stay and chat. We chatted only for a few mins as I needed to get the train back home.
For the cheap price she charges considering how popular she is, her skill level, her personality and beauty, its a no brainer. I would dare anyone to name a better combination.
Just sessioned with warrior amazone, jeez almight what a strength. My self being a fairly heavy guy and consider my self strong, had zero chance against her. Amazing wrestling, grappling and scissor skills. If or when your head get in a reverse headscissors position you can feel her immense power, just insane. Warrior amazone was super polite, easy to communicate with and very punctual. She also adapts to your preferences. Finally, she is also gorgeous looking.
I invited her to Istanbul for a weekend session. Session was 1 month ago. I am writing review a little late.
She seems normal but very strong and dominant. We had 3 sessions on weekend , I really did not do anything against her. When she’s on you (always on you ) you can not move. Her facesittings are amazing. Her legs are very strong so headscissors are inescapable. She spares no effort when dominating me.
She’s very feminine ,friendly, nice person to talk. But under her beauty she has incredible strength. Looking for next time.
How do I start writing about this fantastic woman? Warrior Amazon is the sessions girl for me at all. Complete in everything , really in everything and much more . Session girl and joy, trailblazer for my whole session life. I wouldn’t be where I am today without Warrior Amazon. Of course, one thing has never changed in the countless sessions with her, her dominant style, I will never have a chance against her, far too strong, far too well prepared, far too well trained, a lot to experience, also far too beautiful. An incredibly likeable woman in all areas. She showed me what session mix wrestling actually means. It all started 4 years ago and there is no end in sight. I don’t know a better wrestler on the mat. It’s so much fun being ” spanked ” by her. But please always think of decency and respect, then you will get a lot back. All I can say is thank you for your patience with me. So if you dare to compete against Warrior Amazon, you will get a really good session.
Henry xx
Hello everyone !
Yes, I’m still a bit groggy from the session with Warrior Amazon, absolutely insane. I have never seen sue so strong and dominant. Super trained, top fit and super nice. So much power in a woman and this technique. , wow ! I felt like her toy, mega feeling. The sessions are anything but boring and we’ve had many sessions before. Of course, she knows me well and knows what I like in a well-run session. She has so much fun showing me as a man where the limits are, I really didn’t have a chance, which isn’t bad at all. Know that beforehand. A great impressive woman! Compliments from me , over and over again . I’m looking forward to the next time. Warrior Amazon has to be experienced, whoever loves mix wrestling sessions, loves them too.
Henry xx
Warrior Amazone zu treffen ist immer ein Erlebnis , wir hatten schon unzählige Sessionen und ich bin jedes mal beeindruckt von ihrer Kraft , Ausdauer , Technik und Freundlichkeit . Natürlich habe ich nie eine Chance gegen sie , aber darum geht es gar nicht . Der Spaß ist wichtig . Für eine unglaublich gute Erfahrung mit ihr auf der Matte zu kämpfen . Immer wieder , … ! Mit der zeit kennt sie mich genau und weiß wie einen super interessante Session funktioniert . Eine der Besten !
Henry xx
This week I met for the fourth time Warrior Amazone – and it was again a great meeting. Technically strong, charming, with a lot of strength (also or especially in the arms), it’s just fun to go on the mat with this very beautiful woman. The agreements in advance were once again very uncomplicated and precise. That’s the way it should be. I can fully recommend Warrior Amazone for a really successful semi-competive session. Those who come to Frankfurt should not miss this opportunity.
Ich habe mich in dieser Woche bei Warrior Amazone zum insgesamt vierten mal mit ihr getroffen – und es war wieder ein ganz tolles Treffen. Technisch stark, charmant, mit sehr viel Kraft (auch oder gerade in den Armen), macht es einfach Spaß, mit dieser sehr schönen Frau auf die Matte zu gehen. Die Absprachen im Vorfeld waren auch dieses mal wieder sehr unkompliziert und präzise. So soll es sein. Ich kann Warrior Amazone für eine wirklich gelungene semi-competive Session uneingeschränkt empfehlen. Wer nach Frankfurt kommt, sollte sich diese Chance nicht entgehen lassen.
Amazon warrior was a blast. Sweet personality and super strong. She got off to a quick start 2-0 as i was a little overwhelmed by her power. I ended up squeaking out a 3-2 victory over her but i was completely spent. Amazing power and skill. She is a sweetheart and one of the best!
I sessioned with Warrior Amazone in June 2019, so it’s been a long time. I have sessioned with a lot of women and it’s an understatement to say that in terms of strength, personality and passion for her work, she’s the best around.
I booked a lift and carry session for a Sunday afternoon. I am 187cm and was around 173lbs at that time while she was around 155lbs.
She has a small room with mats where she takes the session in Frankfurt.
For some reason, when I first saw her I felt that she looked smaller and more petite in person, but I thankfully didn’t underestimate her strength
The first thing she did was scoop me up in a cradle carry and did a series of impressive deep squats. Without breaking a sweat she turned it into a fireman’s carry and performed squats again. She teased me if I could do something. Not to be outdone, I cradled her and perfomed some curls to boost my ego 🙂
She then proceeded to put her neck between my thighs and up i went sitting on her shoulders. It was absolutely effortless. I asked her how much did she think I weighed. She said 72 (160bs). I asked her how much has she max given a shoulder ride to and she said 130kgs 😱
She then gave me a series of carries – piggyback, fireman’s an airplane ride. She also set up a wrestling match, but within 5 mins I got shit scared by her skills and quit.
Before I left, I asked if she could give me a bearhug. I would recommend this to anyone who sessions with her. She does it with such a tight grip and such effortlessness that you feel like a rag doll.
Enough said about her strength.. now her personality – right from email communication to meeting her, that warm smile, that genuine interest in what you want and what she delivers makes her the best person to deal with. She is absolutely lovely. Since I was in Frankfurt only for a day, she recommended me places to grab food, how to use the subway and how to reach the airport from my hotel. All in all, she is fantastic beyond words. The best there is
I was lucky and had the pleasure of meeting her in Hannover this week (29.08.22) for the last hour. She is insanely strong, warm person and has absolutely high skills. You can really tell that she is passionate about what she does. I highly recommend you! I’ll definitive meet her again! May be the luck is with me 🙂
Daniel says thank you for the unforgettably great time
My session with this beauty on her last visit to London was brilliant. This lady knows how to find your weakness and her all-round wrestling is simply exceptional. She also has a pleasant disposition and makes you feel at ease. She is simply one of the best
I met this girl few years ago when she was visiting my city, and all I can tell you she was very sweet, friendly, polite, but also very strong and powerful girl. She could do any lift with me, although I was bigger than her, but she did not mind for me to lift her too, so we had much fun together. She also had some interesting moves, so she could throw me on the bed without much effort, so it was interesting to feel that woman can make you fly like that.
If someone wants to have the session with feminine and strong girl, Warrior Amazone is definitely the right choice.
I’ve had my first session with Warrior Amazone in April 2021. We’ve met in an apartment in Cologne. Setting up the session was very easy and friendly. I remember having been a bit nervous back then, because I had only been into session wrestling for a few months. And with Warrior Amazone being a trained fighter, I did not know what to expect. She is very pretty and friendly, as well as easy to be with. And she gave me the fun and easy semi-comp session that I had been asking for. I’m a bit further down the rabbit hole of session wrestling by know and next time I meet Amazone, I’ll certainly be encouraged by my peer reviewers to ask for a tad bit more of force and fierceness. 🙂
Unfortunately, her last visits to Cologne have not matched my schedule. But another session with her is certainly on my bucket list for 2022.
I had a great session with warrior. She beat me up and made me submit to her powerful legs and ass.
she completely smothered and humiliated with her bottom and it was such an unreal feeling that anyone should experience with her.
She is a really nice person and made me feel welcome before and after the session but know that she truly owns you.
she is so powerful that I will think twice about taking her on again. I left with a red face after the domination and humiliation she set upon me. And my face will most certainly remember her big arse.
I had a wrestling-bondage-session with her only once in Paris some time ago.
By mail and by phone she has been very friendly from the first to the last moment and even more in person. She has a strong body and I remember I’ve been submitted by her butt and boobs many times.
It has been my very first wrestling session ever (so I was defenitely bad) but I had fun. She played with me like the cat with the mouse, every time I thought I was close to bound or make her to submit she made it to me; so even if she was better then me I could have fun.
After session she wrote me back asking if I appreciated the session (of course I did) and I found it very kindly.
See you!
I had a session in september 2021 with Warrior Amazon in Eindhoven The Netherlands. The session setup was easely done via email. When she opened the door you see a beautiful woman who makes you feel welcome right away. Talking with her is very easy, she is so nice and she likes to talk.
We started my session with armwrestling and later proceded to competitive wrestling/BJJ with a learning part in it. I really loved it, she is so skilled and a great teacher. For example i had side mounted her and was doing a Americana, i had her under my control but she did not tapped, she had rolled a litte bit on her side and than apperantly it does not work. See told me what she had done to prevent the tap, sneaky of her, i started working to get her flat on her back and she tapped. In Krav Maga we don’t do submissions we focus more on the defence against them and beat them up. So my submissions where sometimes not perfect but she helped me to improve them. And a good defence is needed haha. She did several times a Guillotine choke on me, i could escape most of them but one was so tight that i had to tap. She also improved my side headlock and side mount. Really a great teacher 🙂 and we chatted a lot during the session, that was so nice.
The session was very late, it ended around midnight, so i had booked a room in the same hotel. The next morning i had breakfest with her on the 13 floor of the hotel with a beautiful view over Eindhoven and a very nice chat 🙂
Meeting her was great, i highly recommend her. When she is touring The Netherlands again i will certainly book another session with her.
And i did in january 2022 in Rotterdam. She was bitten in her right arm by a dog so she was somewhat disabled but still tried to fight with me. I this session she tapped severall times and i did’t. Competitive fighting with one arm is not so easy. It was really nice meeting her again and i hope her injury recovers soon.
Me, male, 65 years, 1.83 meter, 88 kg, 12 years Krav Maga.