


Location: United States , Michigan, Ludington

Last Activity: 06/09/2024
Joined: 06/01/2021


Height: 5'4” - 163 cm

Weight: 135 lbs - 61.2 kg

Physique: Curvy

Years Of Experience: 5-15 years plus


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  1. Hi. Do you know what I think is fun? Kicking your ass.
    Been beating up people, professionally, since 2004. Fought MMA and have trained in multiple disciplines. (Yellow belt in kung fu, Blue belt in BJJ, trained muay Thai, boxing, judo, professional wrestling) I travel for sessions occasionally, but I also own a gym with a wrestling ring in Ludington, MI- book yourself a wrestle-cation!!!! 30 miles of beaches for summer or 100’s of miles of snowmobiling trails for winter!
  2. You will need references and a deposit to book a match with me. [email protected]

Session Deposit Policy

  • Deposit is Refundable if you cancel a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the session date.
  • Deposit is Refundable if I cancel the session.
  • Deposit is Refundable if I have to cancel and we are unable to reschedule.

Services Offered

  • Competitive Wrestling
  • Semi-Competitive Wrestling
  • Fantasy Wrestling
  • Pro Wrestling
  • Submission Wrestling
  • Pin Wrestling
  • 2 on 1 Wrestling
  • Couples Wrestling
  • MMAJudo
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  • Karate
  • Muay Thai
  • Grappling
  • Competitive Boxing
  • Semi-Competitive Boxing
  • Fantasy Boxing
  • Semi-Competitive Kickboxing
  • Fantasy Kickboxing
  • Fantasy Catfighting
  • 2 or More on 1 Handicap Matches
  • Tag Team Matches
  • Armwrestling
  • Foxy
  • Boxing
  • Female vs Female
  • Tickle Wrestling
  • Scissoring
  • Custom Videos
  • Posing / Modeling
  • Belly PunchingIn-Gym
  • Training
  • Bondage Wrestling
  • Others: Please email request


Date Begins Date Leaving City Area Country


    06/15/2024 Tipp City, OH
    Ides of March Fight Shoot

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14 Reviews
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1 month ago

This long overdue account of my second encounter with the Mythical Sybil Starr has been long delayed and overdue!

This will be a LONG FORM review. About a 10 Minute Read. If you have something else to do, then just do it. As it is, you seem interested in joining the Sybilization Nation. Well, sit back and relax as I drop this proclamation on your person. Wow! I’m feeling strangely poetic. Well, hopefully once I deliver this account of my encounter with our main attraction Sybil Starr that you’ll find it hard to not feel poetic, dare I say romantic. Okay, enough with the cloud nine rhymes let me start this review. (I did it again! Aghh!)

Truthfully, I’ve never been lucky enough to witness many phenomena in my life. Maybe that’s why I typically leaned towards cautious skepticism. Phenomenon like winning the lottery, a full solar eclipse, or lightning striking twice in the same location. I submit to you that I’m not so skeptical of that last phenomenon because that’s EXACTLY what happened in this session with Sybil. Honestly my head is still spinning about everything that transpired because while I’ve had immaculate sessions, I can only recall a couple of occasions where everything went PERFECT! From Booking, to set up, to break down. As would dare to say that this session was somehow even BETTER than our first session! And that’s really saying something as I described my first session in my previous review as ‘The Perfect Session!’ Which leads me to another one of the rarest of phenomena. Everyone knows that if your favorite movie gives hints or releases a trailer for a sequel there is conscious, subconscious and/or unconscious sense of existential dread. Because we know there will be an insane amount of promotion and marketing to draw an audience only to produce a lackluster film. In other words, we all KNOW for a fact they’re gonna hype us up to the moon only for the $#!& to suck! Then there’s ultra-rare phenomenon of the sequel that on par or better than the original. I digress. Why the movie ramble? I just want to give you further context as to what I will now describe to you all as to what type of session that our Starr provided. So contextually give you my review of The Godfather Part II of Sessions!

I’ll briefly share the booking experience. Because it was really that quick. An email, a text, a date, a time, and a deposit drop. The whole process took less than an hour. Sybil has over two decades in her profession. She’s well adept at quick bookings and how to be as efficient as possible. I will say it does help to build a great relationship with (one of) your favorite wrestlers/ladies. And if your favorite wrestler just so happens to be Sybil Starr, then you are truly in 10 times the luck! No trepidation, no fooling around and no threat of ghosting/blanking. Her communication couldn’t be more our point if you traveled her to meet her in person just to say, “I want to session at this time.” And traveled back! So far, so good! This has set the plot for greatness to come! Okay, on to the good parts… Match Day!

After work I was able to make a direct line to our session location. Which was the same location of our initial session. The same brilliant location that is right on the line between DC and Baltimore. I was already cheering inside; I dare say giddy about our meeting. Honestly, even if it wasn’t at the same location I was most excited just to see her! Apparently, I may have been overly excited and showed up too early. LOL! She let me know when she was ready and met me at the stairway towards her room. She beamed such a bright smile it could’ve been seen from space and expressed how happy she was to see me! I returned the sentiment. As walked towards her suite she and I just caught up upon everything that had happened since we’ve last met. She and I just talked as we changed and stretched. Our conversation must’ve lasted at least 20 minutes. To answer your next question, NO! This was not counted against my time. We did as Friends can do, get reacquainted! Well after we decided that both of us were limber enough, we got our match underway.

In our conversation, we both share how fortunate we were to keep up with our training. Sybil’s dedication towards her improvement was on full display. She was even more technical than our first session. She was even more determined to win as well! It was that much more difficult to pull off any form of attack. This back-and-forth battle would go on for about 30 Minutes. Yes, you read that correctly, 30 MINUTES of straight wrestling. All Grapple, All Gas, NO Breaks! We met each other skill for skill, position for position, submission for submission. After a while in this first scramble, we forgot about who was winning and losing and just decided to enjoy our time tumbling and tussling. At one point, Sybil was able to take advantage of an opening that I gave her in our roll she has able to use her World-Famous Legs and place me in a Body Scissor, Ezekiel Choke Combo! I had more time in my session so there was no point in delaying the inevitable and I conceded the first well-earned submission.

We took about a 10-minute break before we resumed our match. We just conversed and laughed some more while grabbing some water. I just remember the vibe growing less competitive as our time progressed. Don’t get me wrong we were still fiery and spirited to rumble on but it less “How can I beat you?” and more “WOW! How can we have even more fun?!” Once our energies were replenished, we returned to action. The scramble was a potent mixture of tactical chess and a roll around in the park after school on a Friday. Our scrum went across and over all four corners of the mat. We have gone outside of the mat multiple times. Keep in mind Sybil booked a suite with a living room of at least 200 sq. feet of spare room and we were still able to spill out. Even Sybil stated in wonderment and disbelief “I thought I had enough room and made the mat big enough.” We decided to disregard it as a tiny inconvenience, and we rolled on. There was a flash moment where I could say that I had the opportunity to take a page out of Sybil’s book to catch her in a position that was toward my advantage. A position that she fought me for tooth and nail. I knew that she wouldn’t concede to me the position that I wanted at first. But then she exclaimed, “okay I know you wanted this submission.” She was referring to my Head and Arm Triangle Lock, I was granted the second submission. While I was glad that I’ve played around with some strategy that prove to be effective I didn’t take this as a time to gloat. We pretty much gave each other a high five and just laid out on the mat to catch our collective breath. When locked up again after our final break we decided we did enough scratching of our competitive itch and decided to relax and shift the tempo. The rest of our time was spent in a non-competitive roll with our bodies intertwined in embrace. Smiling as we looked into each other’s eyes, just happy however briefly to have the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company. We ended our match in an amicable tie. I couldn’t dream of a better conclusion!

After our time was up, whenever we decided that time was up and not according to a clock, we cleaned up and broke down a sweat drenched mat and prepped it for her next stop on her tour. We spent time building upon our solidified bond. As we changed to our clothes we’ve covered a multitude of topics: confirming our next session, our career paths, summer vacation destinations, her Sybilization anniversary, etc. The hardest part of our time was of course the departure. Most wrestlers have probably figured out by now, I SUCK at Goodbyes! If not consider this my admission and self-admonishment. The utter tragedy but conclusion of all good things is the end of them. Leaving Sybil’s hotel room that night this time didn’t just give me a dampened sadness of “I’m going to miss her” but I left with a tinge of heartbreak. This was a helluva way to close out my 2023! I’m looking forward to the next opportunity to join the Sybilization Nation! It’s my goal in this review that you all will join me as well! If you don’t/can’t come on board this train then I don’t know how to express how disappointed you’ll be in missing out on Two Decades of Skills, Two Decades of Dynamite, Two Decades of Magic, Two Decades of… Perfection! I hope that this read performs the final phenomenon I’ll discuss: Sticking the Landing! For as you can see this has occurred in my session with the Legendary Sybil Starr! So, I’ll close with a figurative toast to our Starr! Until my next opportunity to be Sybilized! Peace, Love, and Sybilization! Now and Forever!

3 months ago

I had an amazing pro style wrestling session with Sybil Starr. What made it even extra cool was we wrestled in a ring so I felt like a true pro wrestling jobber! She looked great in a black one piece swimsuit, kneepads and red boots.

I asked Sybil to show me how to do some moves so we could start off with a back and forth match before she would dominate me. Sybil walked me through a sequence of holds starting with a lockup and then working into other holds like a waistlock, headlock, hammerlock, test of strength and then takedowns and pins. She showed me how to do some other submission moves to her like a headscissors, a camel clutch and an Indian death lock, showing me how to safely apply as well as sell the hold like a pro wrestler.
She also showed me how to take a leg drop and elbow drop too!

After that Sybil took over and dominated me. Her cute and bubbly exterior hides a deadly knowledge of holds and before I knew it I was trapped and at her mercy. She put me in a devastating hold of her own invention called the hang glider surfboard where only a verbal submission is possible! She bent me in half with a scissors cradle combination hold and rocked me back and forth for as long as she wanted. She crushed my head with her powerful thighs, her legs are as strong as they are beautiful. She also subjected me to numerous face sits and I struggled between enjoying the face sit and needing to tap for air!

It was a truly wonderful session, I usually just play the jobber role in a match, just taking a beating, so it was really fun to learn some moves and have a back and forth match before getting totally dominated. Sybil is absolutely awesome, I’m still thinking warmly about our session and I look forward to the day when we can have another match!

7 months ago

Absolutely INCREDIBLE. 11 out of 10. By a WIDE margin, THE best session I have EVER had.

Communication beforehand to set up the appointment was very easy. Sybil replied almost instantly, and answered all of my questions. We were able to arrange a time, place, and preferred attire with incredible ease.

As for the session itself, I was VERY nervous (I’m always nervous before sessions, but also because I hadn’t sessioned with Sybil before), but from the moment she arrived to greet me and lead me to the space, she RADIATED a friendly warmth that put me instantly at ease.

We took some (pre-agreed-upon) photos as we discussed the session. She was again very friendly and was very understanding of what I was looking for in a session.

Then it was right to it. And ho-lee CRAP. I’m still not sure how to describe it. Sybil instantly seemed to “get” what I was looking for in a way that other session wrestlers just… hadn’t. Communication was easy, but hardly even seemed necessary. Everyone’s limits were well-defined, and everyone’s limits were respected.

At one point, I straight-up got “lost in the moment” and was no longer “there” in that physical space. I don’t know how else to describe it. The closest I can think of is what BDSM calls “subspace.” Heck, maybe it WAS subspace (I *was* in a submission hold after all.) Either way, I’ve never experienced anything like it, and I’m still riding that high almost 24 hours later. Absolutely euphoric. I’m finding it hard to physically type this sentence simply because I’m thinking about that experience again.

Aaaaaaanyway, afterwards, Sybil was again extremely friendly and caring. She posed for a few more photos at my request, and hugged me on my way out.

I simply cannot recommend Sibyl Star enough. I made an account on here JUST so I could leave this review. It was that amazing. My only regret is that she’s not local haha. (Then again, that’s probably good news for my wallet!)

Again, just absolutely INCREDIBLE. Book a session with her YESTERDAY.

7 months ago

Just did a competitive boxing session with Sybil Starr, she’s an awesome lady, very skilled, we did several 2 minute rounds of boxing & she got me good a few times, would recommend her to anyone who is looking for a challenge

1 year ago

Just did a semi-competitve boxing/wrestling session with Sybil Starr for 1 hr. She’s just awesome & fun to be with. We did some boxing & wrestling, she’s really great @ both, had me beat a few times. Just had a blast with her. If you are looking for a fun & challenging session, book Sybil, she’s the best

1 year ago

Long overdue review, but here it is. I met with Sybil back in August of 22 and she over delivered! Communication and setting up the meet was pretty easy and timely. I will say that I was pretty nervous leading up to the meeting, but her energy and friendly, easy-going vibe certainly put me at ease very quickly. As far as the matches, she was open to ideas and even put in some recommendations for what we should do, which was great. Sybil was awesome during the matches, she could play whichever role and could play off whatever the situation is. She is very skilled, knowledgeable, strong and friendly…I highly recommend meeting with her if you are considering!

1 year ago

Wow, what a great experience. As I get older, my goal is to wrestle the legends who are still around. I finally got to meet up with Sybil and a wonderful time. She is such a professional, We set up the match while I was at a restaurant eating lunch. Then it came to the fun.
She greeted me at the door and we discussed a few things and started with a couple of pin falls, that she won rather easily. She also brought her own mats, which made it easy to roll around. Then we went into some submission falls. All the while laughing and enjoying our time in the session. I also marveled at her quickness and skill. She was amazing with her strength and knowledge of holds-I can see why she is a legend. My only regret is that I didn’t see her sooner. She also suggested a few names that I could legitimately add to my list. All in all, if session wrestling is one of your hobbies, you should definitely see Sybil in your town or in Luddington, Mich., where she has a facility with mats and a ring. Just an AWESOME time!

1 year ago

This is a long one. I apologize for the length and any boredom induced.

This review is the most difficult one I’ve ever written. It took me a couple of weeks to gather the words to describe my experience. I guess it would be a daunting task to describe how it is like to be in the presence of a LIVING LEGEND! However, I’m going to try. So, where to began? I guess as usual, at the beginning. LOL!

I actually planned on making a trip some time in the new year to Michigan but when I heard that she was traveling to the DC area I leaped at the opportunity to contact her. We shared a few messages back and forth. I’ll admit I had to be patient with receiving responses. This was not a issue. I must have emailed her in the middle of her planning. I did messaged her a couple of weeks in advance. I guess I was a little too excited! After a couple more exchanges we were able to lock down a time and date. Now, the real FUN (emphasis intended) begins!

First, she choose an Amazing location! I mean PERFECT! It was in a remote pocket that was only 25 minutes away from DC city limits and 15-20 Minutes away from where I live! Sybil found a close yet remote and private location in one of the most public cities in the Nation! As a native and lifelong resident I was already blown away! I knew this session would be one I would NEVER forget! I just commend our Starr (pun intended) on a often understated feature of sessions and sessioning: Location! The room was also nice, clean and cozy without being cramped. My apologies for being so episodic I’m just incredibly impressed by this attention to this detail.

On to more juicy bits! When I arrived to our location I was greeted at the door of the hotel. I attempted to
apologize for being late. Sybil didn’t even allow me the opportunity. Instead, she greeted me with a warmth and sincerity I haven’t felt in a long time. She gave a great big warm hug and expressed, “You made it, I’m so happy!” Needless to say, this quelled my usual pre-session nerves. She then guided me to her room and allow some time to make a quick change. We share some more conversation. She has such a youthful spirit given her experiences. She also has one of the most infectious laughs I’ve ever heard! I took this as a feature of her bubbly personality and natural disarming charisma. We shared a few more words,
then we bowed to each other, we slap five, we bump fists and got to be business end of our meeting.

We agreed to a playful Semi-Competitive session. I shared that I was trained and my #1 priority is the safety of who I share the mats. She believed my words because my actions followed and possibly felt more comfortable to “cut loose.” Our first round was a more lighthearted scramble as we were felling each other out. I was amazed at her skill and her ability to capitalize upon my mistakes. She laughed as she was surprised of the use of my hips. Who would notice right? LOL! She was able to take mount and pin me for a while. After some more scrambling, I somehow was able to take her back and applied a RNC. When she tapped I released immediately. We agreed that we would “respect the tap.”

The second round was more of the same. We engaged in a more playful and dare I say technical grappling and scrambling. She then unveiled one her best weapons: the Scissors Sweep! She has one of the most effective scissors sweep I’ve ever seen and now experienced. She caught me in a few of them. Around the last sweep she got me in I was able to sneak in an underhook and staple her in side control. I then pulled out one of own weapons: the Americana. She holds out for few moments to consider her options and then she taps again. We took a short 5-7 minute break to get some water and we talk some more. Both of us now glowing with sweat we share some more conversation about her career and life. Then suddenly Ms. Starr decided to ramp it up and exclaimed, “C’mon girl, get it together!” She seemingly transformed before my eyes and activated some dormant muscle. Whatever she had to do it worked. She claims the next fall by pinning me in mount and proceeds to smother with a body lock and modified Ezekiel choke combo. I knew now I was in for a fight. Sybil found some competitive fire to be stoked and use it throughout the duration of our session.

After a quick minute break we started again. She now is beginning to have her way with me with her scrambles and infectious laugh. I was mostly defending her and somehow got a opportunity to take mount. She shrimped away and gave me an opportunity to secure a head and arm triangle. This prompted Sybil to now fully cut loose! I knew that she didn’t care about the final result. However, two things were clear she DID NOT want to lose and she wasn’t going to go quietly without a fight. Sybil claims the next fall with many would describe as her finisher: The Body Leg Scissors. In my foolishness, I didn’t think her legs
were SO strong! What I did know was that she knew how to apply the tightest scissors I ever felt! Once felt my ribs touch my liver I tapped near immediately! We were near the end of our time together we share one last break and concluded our battle. Sybil pulled out the kitchen sink of her skills: scissors, sweeps, crossfaces, smothers, headlocks, wristlocks the whole nine yards. Sybil was able to lock another leg scissors, but I didn’t tap for some reason. After a sweat drenched 15 minute scramble I found myself in position for a final head and arm triangle lock. Both of us now exhausted and in delightful puzzlement of what we have experienced together. We still had a couple of minutes before time was up so we did one last roll around before Sybil scores another body triangle smother choke. We ended the match in each other’s arms and shared an impromptu post match cuddle. WOW!

We both mutually agreed that we would do have another match. To say that I enjoyed myself would be doesn’t even tickle the surface of this event! I’m still puzzled and smitten as to what exactly I was able to experience. Thus the difficulty of writing this review because my emotions are still not altogether yet. I suppose this is the effect of sharing the mat with a Multi-Sport, Multi-Industry LEGEND! If you were keeping score earlier the match score went to me 4-3. However, what matter to me more than “winning the match” was winning over a new friend! There’s not an amount of money that’s comparable. It’s a rare opportunity to come across a decorated star whose down to earth, a true martial artist and a truly phenomenal woman. Sybil offered an opportunity for us to meet; she provided me an one of a kind experience with a longing for more. I reckon that Sybil and I shared THE PERFECT SESSION! Do I recommend Sybil Starr for your next session? In but so many words, YES, without question and even less hesitation! May you have even half the FUN in your session as I had writing this review about mine because I had a ball! Sybil, thank you! I look forward to our next meet!

1 year ago

I want to tell EVERYONE about my AMAZING good friend Sybil Starr & my NEW equally AWESOME pal Lia Labowe!!!…. I know I just wrote about them on Lia’s page, but I had to show some love on my girl Sybil’s page as well…. Bottom line IS THIS!!… Go see either one or possibly both of them together if you get the opportunity… They can do it ALL… Competitive, Semi-comp, Role play & Fantasy…. Once you meet them U will like them & to know them is to LOVE THEM… Thank U once again, Sybil…. And you too, Lia-lol…..

1 year ago

The last time I have saw Sybil Starr was in Greece 2006 at a event of Fightingstyle where also my ex-wife (artemis) from Berlin Germany have participate , It was a great event with lot of great fights. It very nice I findyour profil here now on sessiongirls and nice that you still do wrestling , I hope we can meet soon ones when I will be in the USA in 2023 , so we can do when you are interested a mixed-wrestling match together.

1 year ago

I just had my 6th session with Sybil and she was fantastic. We started out with a little face setting and then we got down to the real thing. I asked for a beat down and Sybil gave me everything I wanted and. she hit me to both my face and belly, but was very care full not to hurt me seriously. Sybil is a class act and I enjoyed my session with her very much.

2 years ago

I have seen Sybil 5 times and I’ve never been disapointed. Sybil will give you your monies worth and she is very skilled and professional. She is well worth the money and I promise you that you will never be disapointed.