


Location: Germany , OTHER, Nuremberg

Last Activity: 02/15/2025
Joined: 11/28/2021


Height: 5'9” - 175 cm

Weight: 155 lbs - 70.3 kg

Physique: Athletic

Years Of Experience: 5-15 years plus

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English version below

Ich biete Domination/BDSM und vieles mehr an. Schau auf meine Website.

Du kannst dir deine Niederlage schon in Gedanken vorstellen? Dann ist es an der Zeit, dass du sie auch real spürst. Du wimmernd unter mir, ich lachend über dir…

In den verschiedensten Griffen wie Scissors, Chokes und Hebel lasse ich dich zappeln und zum abklopfen bringen.

Bei mir steht der Spaß und der gegenseitige Respekt im Vordergrund. Gerne kämpfe ich full-competitive mit dir, schalte aber auch ein paar Gänge runter.

Meine langjährige Kampfsporterfahrung, anfangs im Karate und Ju-Jutsu und später im MMA unterstreichen meinen Siegeswillen. Inzwischen liegen auch 5 Jahre Sessionerfahrung hinter mir und ich habe noch lange nicht genug.

Für full competitive Kämpfe gilt eine Gewichtsgrenze von 90kg!

Bist du bereit mir gegenüber zu treten? Melde dich bei mir!

Ich bin anzutreffen in Nürnberg.

Bei aller Härte 🙂 Ich habe keinerlei Interesse daran dir ernsthaft zu schaden, sieh also bitte von Anfragen nach K.O.s ab.

Bitte nenne mir doch in deiner ersten Kontaktaufnahme deine Größe, dein Gewicht, was du mit mir erleben möchtest und wann du mich treffen möchtest. Für mehr Infos über meinen Service und meine Preise schaue auf meine eigene Website: . 😉



I offer domination/BDSM service and many more. Have a look on my website.

The defeat is haunting through your mind? Let me get this real. You are whimpering beneath me, I am laughing while sitting on you…

You will feel different holds, chokes and locks force you to tap out.

Having a lot of fun and also mutual respect is important to me. I fight full-competitive but also step back for you.

I have several years of experience in Karate, Ju-Jutsu and later MMA as well as 5 years experience in wrestling sessions and still I can’t get enough.

For full competitive matches is the weight limit 90kg/198lbs!

Are you ready? Contact me!

You will meet me in Nuremberg.

Even if I love really good fights, I am absolutely not interested in seriously hurting you, so please do not even ask for K.O. sessions.

Please let me know some facts in your first contact mail/message about your height, weight, what you want to experience with me and when you want to meet me.

More information about my service and fees on my own website: . 😉

Services Offered

  • Competitive Wrestling
  • Semi-Competitive Wrestling
  • Fantasy Wrestling
  • Submission Wrestling
  • Pin Wrestling
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  • Grappling
  • Fantasy Boxing
  • Fantasy Kickboxing
  • Armwrestling
  • Scissoring
  • Posing / Modeling
  • Belly PunchingIn-Gym
  • Bondage Wrestling
  • Others: Please email request


Date Begins Date Leaving City Area Country
02/19/2025 02/19/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
02/21/2025 02/21/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
02/26/2025 02/26/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
02/28/2025 03/01/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
03/05/2025 03/05/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
03/07/2025 03/07/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
03/10/2025 03/10/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
03/12/2025 03/12/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
03/14/2025 03/14/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
03/19/2025 03/19/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
03/21/2025 03/21/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
03/24/2025 03/24/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
03/26/2025 03/26/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany
03/28/2025 03/29/2025 Nuremberg OTHER Germany


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19 Reviews
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7 days ago

First German, English below:
Ich hatte meine erste Session mit Sophia vor zwei Wochen und was soll ich sagen. Warum habe ich nicht schon vor vielen Jahren mit Sessions angefangen und schon 30 oder so mit ihr gehabt. Sophia ist ein ganz besonderer und wertvoller Schatz in dieser Szene.
Zunächst einmal ist die Kontaktaufnahme und die Kommunikation mit ihr äußerst einfach und angenehm. Man spürt direkt eine respektvolle und wertschätzende Umgangsweise. Als ich eine erste Verabredung im Herbst verletzungsbedingt absagen musste, hat sie verständnisvoll und empathisch reagiert.
Nun kam die Session endlich zustande und ich war mega aufgeregt. Ihr eilt ein extrem guter Ruf voraus. Man sagte mir, ich werde begeistert sein. Ich muss sagen, ich war mehr als das. Ich war überwältigt von ihr. Im wörtlichen Sinne aber auch im übertragenen Sinn von ihrer Freundlichkeit, ihrer sehr sympathischen und menschenfangenden Art, und von ihrer Zuwendung und Hingabe in der Session.
Schon mit Öffnen der Tür sah ich in ein strahlendes Gesicht und die ausgebreiteten Arme gaben mir sofort ein Gefühl von nach Hause kommen. Meine Nervosität war weg. Das sie gleich in einem mega Outfit als Polizistin mir gegenüber stand, tat sein übriges.
Auch das Vorgespräch trug absolut dazu bei. Ich fühlte mich sofort wohl und hatte das Gefühl, mich ihr öffnen zu können. Ein Getränk, ein Snack und die Dusche vorher sind selbstverständlich.
Ich hatte eine sportliche Ringkampfsession mit anschließendem erotischen Ringkampf. Sophia hat perfekt geliefert. Und sie ist extrem stark und geübt. Man kann mit ihr kämpfen und sie lässt auch zu, dass man sie in einen Griff nimmt. Aber dazu kam es erst garnicht. Ich hatte keine Chance gegen sie. Sie nahm mich von einem Griff in den anderen. Und dazu natürlich ihre Sprüche wie schwach ich sei. Sie hat die ganze Bandbreite ihres Könnens ausgespielt. Ob scissors, pins, Würgegriffe oder alle Möglichkeiten, den Arm zu verdrehen. Ich fand mich immer wieder hilflos am Boden wieder. Aber das war das, was ich wollte und es hat soviel Spaß gemacht. Mit Sophia auf der Matte kannst du sehr gut sportlich ringen. Sie ist perfekt.
Anschließend kam der erotische Teil, auf den ich hier nicht näher eingehen möchte. nur soviel: sie hat mich extrem überrascht durch ihre Sensibilität und Nähe und mir die Zeit meines Lebens gegeben.
Als Fazit ist zu sagen, dass Sophia mit die Beste von allen ist. Ich hatte schon so viele wahnsinnige Sessions, nur um zu erfahren, dass das Beste noch vor mir lag. Ich fühle mich so privilegiert, nun auch zu ihren Kunden zu gehören. Sophia in höchsten Tönen zu empfehlen, wäre maßlos untertrieben. Jeder, der sie kennt, weiß, wovon ich spreche, jeder, der sie noch nicht kennt, sollte sie kennenlernen, wenn er auch nur ansatzweise die Gelegenheit dazu hat. Sie ist mehr als eine Bereicherung für das Leben.
Wenn ich darf, möchte ich noch viele, viele Sessions mit ihr haben. DANKE Sophia!

I had my first session with Sophia two weeks ago and what should I say. Why didn‘t I start with sessions many years ago and have had 30 or more sessions with her already? Sophia is a very special and valuable treasure in this business.
To get in contact with her and the communication is very easy and comfortable. Immediately you feel the respectful and appreciative treatment. When I had to cancel a first session in autumn due to an injury, she reacted understanding and empathetic.
Now the session happened finally and I was extremely nervous. She has a extraordinary good reputation. I was told, I will be thrilled. I have to say, it was more than that. I was overwhelmed. Literally but also in the other meaning of her kindness, her very likable and man-catching kind, her attention and dedication in the session. Already when opening the door I looked into a shining face and her wide opened arms gave me the feeling to come home. My nervousness was gone. The fact she stood in in front of me in the amazing outfit as a police woman, came on top.
Also the talk at the beginning contributed to this. I immediately felt safe and was comfortable with open me. A drink, a snack and the shower before are sel-evident.
I had a competitive wrestling session with a sensual part afterwards. Sophia was delivering perfectly. She is extremely strong and skilled. You can fight with her and even try to make her tap. But it didn‘t come so far. I had no chance. She used one hold after the other. And on top her trash talking. She used a lot of her skills, all kind of scissors, pins, chokes or all kind of armlocks. I was lying helpless on the floor most of the time. But that’s what I wanted and it was so much fun. You can perfectly wrestle competitive with her. She is perfect.
Afterwards there was the sensual part. I don’t want to talk about it much here, but only this: her sensitivity and closeness surprised me a lot. She gave me the time of my life.
As conclusion there is to say, that Sophia is one of the best. I had so much amazing sessions, only to realise that the best is still to come. I feel privileged to be one of her clients now. To glorify her in big words would be an understatement. Everyone who knows her knows what I mean. Those who not, should got to know her whenever possible, even the smallest possibility. She is more than an enrichment for your life.
When she allowsme I want to have a lot of more sessions with her. THANK YOU Sophia!

3 months ago

Sophia is very friendly and responds to your wishes. Unlike other dominas, she treats you at eye level and is very respectful. Contact with her is very easy to establish and she also responds quickly. Sophia greeted me warmly in her karate gi. I was a bit nervous at first, but Sophia took that away with her friendly and relaxed manner. At the beginning we talked again about what exactly I wanted and I was served snacks and soft drinks. I had asked for a karate session. Sophia took off her high heels and traditionally stood barefoot opposite me in a karate gi. We bowed and made some kata. I really had the feeling that i was in a karate dojo. She let her feet fly against me, her kicks are very precise and even kicks to the face were no problem for her. You can also see her strength in her kicks, after several kicks to the stomach I had to take a short break. In between, we also boxed briefly and had some small talk. Even though it was a bit painful at times, I didn’t suffer any serious damage. It’s also important to Sophia that you don’t get seriously injured, of course a kick is sometimes a bit more violent but you’re aware of this risk when you take part in a session like this 😉 Her feet are adorable and she is generally an amazing person. You can definitely tell she has martial arts experience. Before and after the session you have the opportunity to freshen up in the shower. At the end we talked a bit and said goodbye, probably the best address for sessions in Germany.

1 year ago

Hello , … !
Conclusion: wow, highly recommended
Sessions with Sophia are always super intense, often led by her in a dominant way. Which is incredibly good! She is a very well trained fighter, super strong (too strong for me definitely). Very funny, always a nice saying for you when you are lying defenseless on the mat under her again. She knows exactly what she’s doing, super prepared. Always with respect and clear rules. A real sporting challenge for any man, you get your chance but you won’t be able to win. Sophia loves to fight and show she’s better, you’ll have to get used to that. Incidentally, it’s very easy, I’ve had so many sessions and they’re all really good. Always a pleasure to fight with her is addictive. Great woman .
Henry xx

1 year ago

I’ve met Sophia in March for a wrestling / scissor session in Düsseldorf.

She is a very friendly and attractive woman. First we had a little small talk before the session which helped me to calm my nerves and also to get to know each other a little.

The session was just awesome and as I expected it to be. She put several very hard headscissors on me but she always stopped right away when I tapped. Sophia completely respected my limits and I felt safe during the whole session.

Her headscissor are super tight and powerful, there was no chance for me to escape them. Once she trapped my thigh in a Scissor and applied full pressure. Oh my, what an experience.

Also her rear naked chokes were awesome and impossible to escape from.

I totally recommend to met this wonderful woman for a session. She is, kind, smart and has a good sense of humour.

Will definitely book another session in the fuutre. 🙂

Viele Grüße,

1 year ago

I have met Sophia for a boxing session.
First, communication was very clear, she answers fast on emails and we set the session very quickly.
We agree on many details for the session and she agreed to all. Love it.

When I arrived, I was intimidate but Sophia is very kind and very polite. We discuss a little bit, she prepares everything and we started by some basic training.
We started slowly but it became more and more intense. She really puts her passion into the session and it was incredible. I receive several punches on the face, we clinched a lot (I love doing clinches during the fight) and it was absolutely perfect.

Thanks again for this amazing session, I really enjoy it ! Love to see you another time for a revanche.

1 year ago

War sa erste mal bei Sophia ,leider bin mittlerweile schon 62, habe aber 18 Jahre Ringererfahrung,davon 7Jahre Bundesliga
War total begeistert von der Freundlichkeit von ihr .Sie hat gewaltige Kräfte , und eine gute Technik,leider ging mir die Luft aus, hab mich aber glaube ich wacker geschlagen gegen das Powerhouse
Das war nicht das letzte mal

2 years ago

Wow! What a great session, what a great woman! Sophia has been at the top of my „to-do list“ for a long time. Quite rightly so, as I could find out last week. Sophia is strong and very technically skilled. And realy verry nice for me: She also uses classic olympic style wrestling techniques. Despite all the technical and combative superiority, Sophia still knows exactly how far she can go. Sophia adapts very well to her counterpart. The session was finished by a professional sports massage. Sophia „putted me through the wringer“ in the session, but on the next day I had almost no muscle pain. Which is clearly due to the very good sports massage. Sophia is also a very likeable and beautiful woman. That was definitely not my last meeting with her.

Wow! Was für eine tolle Session, was für ein tolle Frau! Sophia stand schon lange Zeit ganz oben auf meiner „To-Do-Liste“. Vollkommen zurecht, wie ich letzte Woche erfahren konnte. Sophia ist kräftig und technisch sehr versiert. Was mich besonders freute: Sie wendet auch klassische Ringkampf-Techniken an. Bei aller technischen und kämpferischen Überlegenheit, weiß Sophia trotzdem ganz genau wie weit sie gehen kann. Sophia stellt sich sehr gut auf ihr Gegenüber ein. Im Anschluss gab es noch eine professionell durchgeführte Sportmassage. Ich wurde in der Session von Sophia ordentlich „in die Mangel genommen“ und hatte am nächsten Tag fast gar keine Muskelschmerzen. Was ganz klar an der sehr guten Sportmassage liegt. Sophia ist zudem ein sehr sympathische und schöne Frau. Das war garantiert nicht mein letztes Treffen mir ihr.

2 years ago

I have been wrestling girls – well-known and un-known years ago.
Sophia was my choice to come back “to business”, and I am so happy.
Communication was very easy, she responded to my mails really proactive.

Boy I was nervous to come and see her at here place in Nuremberg. The location is perfect: Remote, but not only a studio, it has all the facilities one would need including a large playground with professional mats, wall protectors, no mat-burners risked.
The door opened and there was SHE. Well adapted to my preferences on outfit (I am a lycra fan).
Bright smile on here face, a toned body to melt for. You will have to see those broad shoulders and biceps combined with a nice butt.

We talked through my wishes for the session and Sophia really listened and made everything happen.

At this point I have to say, my weight is by far to much for my length but I am completely untrained. Since she has done MMA and other contact sports before, I knew she could absolutely dominate me if she would choose (my previous unsatisfying experience: Mayra Conde)
But nothing of it. Just exactly like I wished Sophia did give just as much competitive resistance as necessary, to make me feel, I can not win although I was on top often. Easily she could have taken me from hold to grip throughout the session – she did not but adjusted to my convenience.
Really I enjoyed the session and regret that I did not book a wellness massage thereafter as she offered.

Sophia is a great deal. She has the power and technique to knock out trained athletes but most important difference to other girls: She is willing to adapt to one`s request.

Especially recommended to beginners.

2 years ago

Um ehrlich zu sein: Bevor ich Sophia kontaktiert habe, hatte ich ein wenig Respekt, um nicht zu sagen Angst vor meinen eigenen Wünschen 😉 . Ich wollte weder an eine herrische Domina geraten noch eine junge Dame in irgendeiner Art und Weise ausnutzen.

Aber all meine Ängste habe sich SOFORT in Luft aufgelöst als ich Sophia kontaktiert habe .
Ich habe ihr zunächst eine lange und ausführliche Mail geschrieben und über meine Wünsche berichtet. Sophia hat auch schnell und sehr lieb bzw. positiv geantwortet und einen Telefontermin vorgeschlagen. Daraufhin haben wir telefoniert und ich kann euch sagen: Sophias offene und herzliche Art spürt man schon am Telefon. Sie lacht gern und hat es nach 2 Sätzen geschafft, dass ich mich richtig wohl gefühlt habe. 🙂 –

( Abgesehen von E-Mails oder Telefonaten funktioniert die Kommunikation auch schnell und unkompliziert über Whats App.)

Wir haben einen Termin in Hamburg vereinbart und uns das erste Mal für 1 Stunde getroffen und am Boden miteinander gerungen . ( Die Location war der Hammer. Es gab professionelle Judo Matten, Duschen und Sophia hatte sowohl Getränke, als auch kleine Snacks und Duschzeug + Handtücher vorbereitet) . Der Kampf war super schön ! Sophia hat enorm viel Kraft und ist technisch versiert. Damals hatte ich noch keine Kampfsporterfahrung und Sie hat mich immer wieder in einen Haltegriff, in einen Würger oder in die Beinschere genommen. Super !
Im sportlichen Bereich sind auch noch Dinge wie Armdrücken oder andere Kraftvergleiche möglich – Ich bin zwar auch relativ kräftig aber beim ersten Treffen hat mich Sophia tasächlich auf einer Seite besiegt . Ich war verblüfft und habe nach dem Treffen wie verrückt trainiert – bei einem späteren Treffen habe ich das Armdrücken auf beiden Seiten ganz knapp gewonnen. 😉 Aber Sophia ist eine Maschine 🙂 – ohne Training hat man keine Chance und wenn man keine Kampfsport Erfahrung hat wird man von ihr auf die Matte gelegt. 🙂
Außerdem haben wir viel miteinander herumgealbert und gelacht, bei Sophia fühlt man sich einfach wohl und es ist nicht nur ein sportlicher Kampf sondern ein richtig schönes miteinander.

Die Stunde war super schnell vorbei und es hat einfach nur extrem viel Spaß gemacht.

Ich habe Sophia daraufhin noch 2 Mal in Düsseldorf und noch 1 Mal in HH besucht, es war von Mal zu Mal schöner und es ist genau wie mein Vorposter geschrieben hat. Sobald Sophia die Tür öffnet und dich mit einem Lächeln begrüßt, fühlt man sich einfach nur Wohl. Wahnsinn !

Zwischenzeitlich bin ich Sophia einmal “fremdgegangen” 😉 , Sprich: Ich habe ein anderes Fighter Girl besucht , weil die Dame zufällig in meiner Stadt war und ich fast zu Fuß zu ihr gehen konnte – aber das hätte ich lieber nicht tun sollen – Es war eine Enttäuschung, kein Vergleich mit Sophia. -Wenn ihr mixed wrestling mögt, dann kann es in Deutschland keine andere Alternative geben als Sophia.

Im erotischen Bereich ist mit Sophia auch etwas möglich, aber darauf möchte ich an dieser Stelle nicht eingehen, weil es mir zu privat ist 😉 – Nur soviel: Auch das war super schön. Sprecht mit Sophia einfach über eure Wünsche – das ist mit ihr auch sehr unkompliziert und sie ist sehr offen.

Durch die Treffen mit Sophia habe ich mit dem Kampfsport angefangen, meine Ernährung umgestellt und auch sonst so einiges in meinem Leben verändert. Sophia hat mein Leben verändert ! 🙂

Sophia wenn du das liest dann auch an dieser Stelle nochmals danke für alles , ich bin froh dass wir uns kennen gelernt habe – Danke für alles und bis demnächst 🙂

2 years ago

Ich hatte schon mehrere Sessions in Düsseldorf mit Sophia. Sobald sie die Türe öffnet und dich mit einem Lächeln begrüßt fühlt man sich sofort wohl.
Mit ihr zu kämpfen macht riesen Spaß. Sie ist sehr stark und aus ihren Griffen kommt man nicht mehr raus.
Ganz besonders sind die Rollenspiele mit ihr. Sie geht auf alle Wünsche ein, vom Outfit bis zum Verlauf der Rollenspiele. Leider sind die Sessions immer viel zu schnell vorbei.
Ich kann nur jedem empfehlen eine Session mit ihr zu buchen.

2 years ago

I had a session with Sophia in Nuremberg back in July 2022. Before that, I had had a few sessions with some other session girls but never quite felt physically overpowered.
The first thing I would like to say about my session is that Sophia has a really good studio in Nuremberg. I had sessions in hotel rooms and it is nothing like having a session on a mat in a professional studio.
I reached out to Sophia and she immediately emailed me back and asked me what type of session I wanted. I listed everything I wished to experience and she met all my expectations and beyond.
Before Sophia, I never thought I could get overpowered by a woman around my size (I am 177cm and 69kg with no martial arts background). Since I had no martial arts or fighting experience, I asked Sophia not to use any martial arts techniques in our wrestling session and that we should both be relying on strength. She is extremely strong.
I never got lifted by a session girl while attacking her and wrestling competitively. We grabbed each other but since she was much stronger than me, she could immediately lift me. I wasn’t really playing around. I was seriously using all my power to win.
Despite that, she made very quick work on me without using any martial arts techniques each time we wrestled. We may be wrestled 15x or so and she easily won them all and dominated me.
If you really want to have a session with a physically strong woman in a professional environment, Sophia is the best! She can also bench press you 10x depending on your weight. She lifted me on her shoulders and did 10x squats.
Thank you, Sophia.
Sean from Tokyo.

Last edited 2 years ago by seantokyo
2 years ago

I finally met Sophia again, this time in Nuremberg. Initial contact via e-mail was seamless, everything was set up in a few quick mails. We agreed on a role play scenario which I drafted.
I drove to the new location and got there a bit early. It is located in an industrial area, so there are few to none people to be met around the studio, which is great for privacy. Parking is easy and I waited a few minutes to arrive on time. My heart was already pounding (135bpm according to my watch) and rightfully so.
I entered the building, went up the stairs (everything is clearly marked) and rung the bell. I could hear Sophia’s footsteps as she approached. Then she opened the door and I was awestruck. She was wearing red high heels and matching painted toenails, the Harley-Quinn-leggings were hugging her perfect legs and butt, displaying her flat and muscular abs, sports bra and her beautiful face all smiles framed by the hazelnut-colored hair. As I followed her into the studio, I couldn’t help but stare at her perfect body on display.
The studio is an SM location with all the bells and whistles you would expect there, but we didn’t use any of that. We had a nice conversation (mainly to calm down my nerves I guess), then I was offered to use the shower, which I gladly accepted on this summer day. Thereafter Sophia picked me up again and we went to the room with the large, professional mat space (foeldeak brand).
We began our session and even though I’m quite a bit taller and approx. 20kg heavier than Sophia, I couldn’t stop her from doing whatever she wanted to do to me. She put me in submission holds and pins as she pleased. She put me in all the common submission holds such as RNCs, triangles in all variations, arm bars, wrist locks, kimuras etc. but also in some pretty fancy ones like some kind of figure-four wrist lock with her legs. Her role playing was so convincing I’m not really sure she was playing. Her entire attitude and persona are just perfect match if you are looking for a sexy, dominant, playful yet physical superior sessionista. Talking to her while she was immobilizing me was at sometimes a spiritual, divine experience. She really gets “it”, why we do this! How she incorporated some other elements into a competitive fight was brilliant, absolutely perfect.
Even though the session was several hours long it was over much too soon. We had a wonderful chat after the session, but eventually I had to take another shower and leave her, only to already miss her dearly.
And even though I was beaten up for hours and put (as requested) into some considerable pain, I left the place without a mark on my body.
Thank you, Sophia, for a truly outstanding experience, for briefly escaping this world and joining you on a journey to another place and the lasting memories.

2 years ago

It was a great experience! I am new in sessions world but Sophia gave me an high level prove of how a girl strong can be. First aspect to consider is her hospitality. We met in a very professional studio in Nürnberg (with shower included) where we could do a domination and worship session, with just some wrestling holds as I was not interested in a wrestling session.

She proved me her huge strenght welcoming me with an elegant dress to prove how much girls can be pretty and strong at the same time.
She bet me sometime in armwrestling and definitely in other feats of strength as pushups and she was able to lift and carry me in many ways. No way to break free from her grips, specially from legs scissors that were like iron during those moves.
In addition Sophia is able to maintain a sexy and dominant communication at the same time, being able to enter deeply into the situation you choose to play, if you apply some role-playing. I really liked also as she was open for some talk at the end of the session.

So, if you are at your first experience or if you’re searching for a girl with a deep sense of humanity and communication Sophia will be your right choice to prove girl power.

2 years ago

There is absolutely nothing bad anyone can say about this young lady.

Initial contact was formal as I did not know her and she did not know me. I really didn’t know what to expect until she opened that door and smiled. I was hers to play with from that moment.

I had requested a martial arts fantasy session and watching her smiling and greeting me in that gi, immediately let me know I was in for it.

We spoke and ironed some of the details, including some last minute requests then it was on. I admit I am not much of an actor as I couldn’t think while looking at her but she ran with it so incredibly that even I started believing we were in a dojo.

Her skills are incredible. Initially it was supposed to be fantasy but she kept egging me to actually try and wrestle her. I could do nothing with her. Jiujitsu skills were on full display and relentless. I’m pretty sure she just enjoyed toying with me.

Her feet are gorgeous and I couldn’t help but get lost while kissing them. And she definitely made me pay for pretending that women can’t fight. They definitely can’t but Sophia had me on the ground at will. Her kicks are deadly, her legs are pure destruction, punches are solid and fast.

Someone already said it best, I am addicted to her and would have stayed there all day to be her plaything. Sophia is well worth it and more. Thank you.

2 years ago

I have sessioned multiple times with Sophia. Highly recommended, she is strong, smart, funny, understands “it”, sexy, good martial arts background… in my opinion the best in Germany! 🙂

2 years ago

I had my first session with Sophia in mid May 2022. We met in Düsseldorf. I will see her again in mid June.

Setting up the session with Sophia was very easy and pleasant. Her communication is timely, reliable, respectful and friendly. She’s a very kind person.

I’ve asked for a semi-comp fight that gradually turns into domination. And that’s exactly what I got. Sophia is technically skilled. Fighting with her was a bit like dancing. My advantage in height and weight is minimal but I’m fit. That helped me to resist and to sometimes free myself from her holds. But ultimately, I’ve always ended up flat on my back or in some other disadvantageous position. Her initial pace in fighting made it exhausting for me to keep up my stamina. Towards the end of the session, she enjoyed keeping me in various holds as long as she pleased. And along the way she seemed to enjoy explaining to me with a smile, due to which of her holds it is that I currently cannot move.

Sophia is pretty, fit and charming. I can only recommend fighting with her.

2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by unknown2u
2 years ago
Reply to  sophia

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Last edited 2 years ago by unknown2u

Old Reviews

I´ve already had plenty of sessions against her. All I can say is that this lady makes you addicted for more. She is such a natural beauty, her body is adorable, she´s always very friendly, and no clock watcher at all. Her strentgh and skills are breathtaken. I always have to find myself under her. No chance at all. And she tells me that she only uses half of the power she´s got. Wow! What a wimp I must be. But I am surely not. Or perhaps yes? I don´t know it anymore. After the fights with her I am lost. And addicted, seriously.


Sophia is the best I just love the session I had with her. When she opened the door and smiled to me she got me already. She is beautiful, absolutely skilled on the mats (she has many years of professional martial arts experience), and she makes a point to be as accomodating as possible. Sophia really loves to fight, and I had no chance at all. It was impressively easy for her to lift me up. With a big smile on her face she put me into various holds and didn’t let me any chance to get out. When it was obvious I had no chance against her she showed me some techniques and let me try to keep her on the ground, too. The session was great fun and there is no one I would recommend more highly for semi-competitive fighting. So guys go and message her and do her the favor to fight with her.


I had a fight with her 2020 in Nuremberg. First we had a little talk to know each other, then I had to shower and after that, the fight began.
First we boxed competitive and my stamina wasn’t as good as hers. She had a height advantage and when she did her combinations, I could only react. I could manage it to hit her sometimes, but she adapted quickly, so despite of really trying to hit her, it wasn’t possible in the mid of the boxing fight. In contrast, she pushed me against the walls with her punching combinations. But instead of taking advantage that I couldn’t retreat backwards anymore, she stopped and indicated to me, I should come to the middle again.

I needed many breaks and drink much water, which, how it turned out, was a big mistake some fights later…
Finally, we did some wrestling where I had absolutely no experience and she showed me some techniques. I think I wasn’t bad for a beginner, but at some point she had my belly between her legs and she squeezed very hard. This was the point where I felt pretty sick. I needed a break and I felt I had to vomit, so I run to the toilet and vomited all the water which I drunk.
Sadly, I couldn’t continue the fight anymore, because I felt so sick.
I really liked to fight her and I appreciate, that she is one of the few female fighters which offers competitive fights, so someone can experience a real female victory!
Sophia is very smart and educated and she greatly respects the person she fights with. Nevertheless, I wished she didn’t hold back so much. Especially in the boxing fight. I know, I felt sometimes unconformable and she realized that and held back. But afterwards, I wished she pushed me a bit more. I think, when I would meet her more often, we could arrange an adequate fighting intensity.
I really like her as a person and a woman and I would like to meet her again, but I have to travel roughly 6 hours which makes it uncomfortable.
It was all worth it and I’m glad I had my first session with her.
She’s a wonderful woman and the man which she will marry, is only to envy…
