
Sasha Steel


Location: United States , Oklahoma, Oklahoma City

Last Activity: 12/31/2024
Joined: 02/22/2022


Height: 5'9” - 175 cm

Weight: 250 lbs - 113.4 kg

Physique: Curvy

Years Of Experience: 5-15 years plus


  1. I love to grapple anytime. I started in boxing after playing semi competitive sports overseas.  I love competition and have a respect for sport. I’ve been doing sessions 7 years and love it. I currently am limited on travel and may not be available at all times. Please include all info for the session in the initial email.

Session Deposit Policy

  • Deposit is Non Refundable if you cancel anytime before the agreed session date.

Services Offered

  • Semi-Competitive Wrestling
  • Fantasy Wrestling
  • Submission Wrestling
  • 2 on 1 Wrestling
  • Couples Wrestling
  • Grappling
  • Semi-Competitive Boxing
  • Fantasy Boxing
  • Fantasy Catfighting
  • Foxy
  • Boxing
  • Female vs Female
  • Tickle Wrestling
  • Scissoring
  • Custom Videos
  • Lift and Carry
  • Belly PunchingIn-Gym
  • OIL Wrestling


Date Begins Date Leaving City Area Country
03/21/2025 03/24/2025 Newark New Jersey United States


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16 Reviews
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6 months ago

After being completely humiliated by Sasha last year, I started working out. I lost weight and improved my endurance and strength. I was shocked to see Sasha had gained mass to about 250. She now outweighs me by 10-15 pounds. Her arms , legs, breasts and shoulders are even bigger than last time. I knew that my workouts were in vain. We started with arm wrestling. Best of 5 with each arm. Sasha is right handed, I’m a lefty. I figured I might struggle with my weak side but I would win with the left hand. I was 0-3/0-3. The outcome was inevitable. When the wrestling began I quickly found myself on my back, looking up at Sasha. The rest of our session would be more of the same. I spent most of my time trying to escape Sasha’s massive legs and trying to catch my breath when I wasn’t being smothered by her massive breasts or firm ass. When I wasn’t being smothered I was being victimized by her choke holds or scissors. Sasha’s strength is overpowering, her grappling skills are vastly superior to mine. It seemed like I was fighting for my life while Sasha was toying with me and in total control. Sasha made it very clear that my continued existence was in her complete control. It was even better than our first session. Sasha remembered details of our first session and immediately seized upon my weaknesses. Sasha was having so much fun destroying me that she went beyond our scheduled hour by several minutes. I am definitely returning again. 100% happy with the session.

1 year ago

I wanted to try a session and a friend recommended I get in touch with Sasha Steele.
I was nervous but Sasha was sweet and put me at ease with her businesslike approach. We planned a semi competitive session for an hour and another hour in a scissors session. I am 6’03” and 250 pounds (former football player) but I haven’t exercised in years.
Sasha looks chunky but intimidating to see her sheer size in person. I didn’t expect her to be in great shape as far as cardio or strength. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
We started out by measuring her body. Sasha is much bigger than I in every measurement.
Biceps 17,.5”. Me 16.25”
Chest (rib cage) 40” me 45”
Bust 51” in a sports bra
Thighs 29” me 23.5”
Calves 16.5”. Me 15”.
I measured around her shoulders at 68”!
In photos you can see Sasha is big busted, but her proportions conceal the fact her breasts are absolutely massive!
I became immediately aroused by Sasha’s immense cleavage and she took notice. I paid dearly when the wrestling began.
Within seconds I was on the mat struggling to breathe as Sasha trapped one of my arms and scissored my chest. Her thighs are frightening with the size and strength she possesses. I couldn’t take in air at all. Cardio doesn’t matter if you can’t breathe. After a few moments I tapped for the first time. The next fall had me tapping even faster. I spent the next 5 minutes on my back as she repeatedly suffocated me with her enormous breasts and sprawled my legs out wide with her massive thighs, which are 6 inches bigger than my thighs.
I thought the “semi competitive” match was for her safety. Wrong again. I was literally expending all my energy fighting to breathe while she used very little energy to keep me down. I lost count how often I had to tap out just to get a breath. After Sasha had worn me down by means of repeated oxygen deprivation, she unleashed her jujitsu skills. Not only is Sasha very strong, she is deceptively quick. Over and over I found myself in different holds, tapping out again and again. Choke holds, triangles, body triangles. I don’t know the names of the holds she used on me but I was defenseless. I was gasping for air the entire time. Even though I am taller and weigh about 10 pounds heavier, I felt like a child trying to wrestle a bulldozer. Everything I tried to escape failed miserably. Forget mounting any offensive moves, I was purely trying to resist tapping yet again. I didn’t win a single submission during our wrestling session. I planned an hour of wrestling but I was completely spent in less than a half hour. I had nothing left in the tank. We took a break to hydrate and towel off. Sasha wasn’t even sweating. She had been toying with me. Sasha announced the break was over by grabbing my arm and dragging me back to the middle of the mat. She dropped on top of me and pinned my shoulders to the mat. Pinned my hands above my head and worked to a sitting position on my chest. Her knees pinned my arms above my head and she towered above me. Sasha seemed entertained by my helplessness. If she seemed intimidating before the session, she brought the intimidation to the next level as she taunted and proved to me that my existence was literally up to her next whim. It was amazing!
After a time Sasha transitioned into the scissors part of our session. As I mentioned before Sasha has immense strength and mass in her thighs and she brought her “A”game! Over and over I tapped as Sasha gradually increased the pressure. I was determined to hold out only to wake up moments later after she released pressure. Her thighs swallowed my head. During one of the scissors I actually felt my skull pop! Sasha performed her magic from many different angles and wore me down systematically. My favorite was her standing scissors as my head extended off the side of the bed. Looking up from between her thighs, at her towering over me as I was gradually going unconscious. She let off pressure just as I was about to go under.
I have always had some curiosity about being dominated by a strong woman and Sasha brought the goods to easily make those fantasies come to fruition. I had the best time ever! Sasha Steel is my new addiction! Definitely coming back to see her again.
100% positive experience.

2 years ago

Had a session today with Sasha steel great person makes u feel like you have known her awhile. On the mats not so nice watch out for her guillotine choke and body scissors . I had no chance against her and if you are not jiu jitsu trained or a body builder u will not as well especially if you are under 170 pounds. My neck still hurts but I always wanted to take on a lady who was a lot bigger than me and I got ragged dolled me. 10/10

2 years ago

What a fun wrestler to roll with. Excellent and was easy to set the session up with. Was in constant communication because her flight was delayed. Then the fun began. We warmed up with some arm wrestling. Then she kicked it into high gear, showing off her wrestling and jiu jitsu skills. A former basketball player, she demonstrated some quickness as well. A pretty and fun lady, I had a great time and I hope she did, too. Sasha won every fall but she did so with a smile on her face. I had a smile on ine, too, after the session.

2 years ago

I just had my third session with Sasha on 7/24/22, and each session with her is better than the previous one. She tweaks each session to make them different, fun and interesting.
Sasha is big, strong, beautiful and athletic with a dynamic personality. She enjoys her work and has fun with it.
Our sessions consist of lift and carry, size comparisons and wrestling holds.. Sasha does a great job on all of those and is excellent on the verbal humiliation. She makes me feel small, weak and inferior, and that is what I want out of a session.
I will never session with anyone else, and I’m already looking forward to our next session.

2 years ago

I had my second session with Sasha on 04/10/22, and it was fantastic. She was bigger and stronger than she was for our first session which was also a great session, and she was as beautiful as ever.

Sasha lifted and carried me quite easily in a variety of ways, and I am not a small person. She also put me in numerous wrestling holds which I could not get out of no matter how hard I tried.

Sasha is professional Amazon with a great personality and a fine sense of humor, and the time spent with her is very enjoyable. I will definitely session with her again, and I highly recommend her.

2 years ago

I had a session with Sasha after Christmas in 2020. She was fun and had plenty of energy. Very nice lady to meet! On time even despite the weather!

2 years ago
Reply to  sashsteel

Expect it