


Location: Czech Republic , OTHER, Brno

Last Activity: 01/29/2025
Joined: 01/14/2022


Height: 5'7” - 170 cm

Weight: 155 lbs - 70.3 kg

Physique: Athletic

Years Of Experience: 5-15 years plus


I moved from OF to Loyalfans;-)

New travel dates 😈



β€’14-16 Feb: Zurich
β€’28th Feb- 2nd March: London
β€’11-13 April: Amsterdam

4 – 8 June Calgary

I am strong amazon with muscles, but still very feminine.
I am skilled and I know many differentp holds, chokes and locks from many different martial arts:
Judo (2011-2017, about 16 local matches, 12 wins )
Grappling (2014-now, 11 competitions, 10 wins)
Aikido (2012-2014)
KarateΒ  (2011-2013)
Box (2011-2014)
Thaibox + MMA (2014-now)
Mixed wrestling and sessions from 2016 ( you can know me from Alphacatz or femalewrestlingzone for example)
If you are interested in session with me, send me email and we can set up our match πŸ™‚
I do sessions in Brno. I have the access to gym/studio with mats, but not a ring.
It is on you if I will wrestle and dominate you and make you beg for mercy in competitive option or if you prefer semi-competitive or fantasy wrestling with scenarios, playing roles… I am able to adapt to your wishes.
My fans always have a lot of fun with me because they can see that I really love it, I do my best and give 100% πŸ™‚

More photos and videos from my training, sessions, matches, life… :

if you wanna chat with me, we can be in touch there πŸ˜‰

dont ask anything SEXUAL please, I dont do it!!!!

I even dont aswer if you ask something like this (included also handjob, topless, naked,…)

Session Deposit Policy

  • Deposit is Refundable if I cancel the session.
  • Deposit is Refundable if I have to cancel and we are unable to reschedule.

Services Offered

  • Private Webcam / Skype / Video Chat
  • Competitive Wrestling
  • Semi-Competitive Wrestling
  • Fantasy Wrestling
  • Submission Wrestling
  • Pin Wrestling
  • 2 on 1 Wrestling
  • MMAJudo
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  • Muay Thai
  • Grappling
  • Competitive Boxing
  • Semi-Competitive Boxing
  • Fantasy Boxing
  • Competitive Kickboxing
  • Semi-Competitive Kickboxing
  • Fantasy Kickboxing
  • Boxing
  • Scissoring
  • Custom Videos
  • Belly PunchingIn-Gym
  • Training
  • Bondage Wrestling


Date Begins Date Leaving City Area Country
02/14/2025 02/16/2025 Zurich OTHER Switzerland
02/27/2025 03/02/2025 London OTHER United Kingdom
04/11/2025 04/13/2025 Amsterdam OTHER Netherlands


    10/17/2024 Prague

My Gallery


36 Reviews
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21 days ago

Today I had my first ever session with Lara. Communication was easy and after some days we had the location and the time set. She did everything I asked for and had a big smile on her face while I was completely helpless against her. She really knows what sheβ€˜s doing – and she will use her strength and skill to make you submit. I felt safe through the whole session and can recommend her a 100%! I am also looking forward to a second session with her.
Thanks a lot for this opportunity Lara πŸ™‚

24 days ago

After hearing about Lara defeating Tia recently, I knew that I would have to have a competitive session with her. The organisation of the session was super easy, Lara responded quickly to my email and within a couple of days we had a time and location set.

The day of the session arrived and I met Lara outside the facility she uses and we walked in. In terms of a location to wrestle, Lara has access to a fabulous mat room. I find it makes so much of a difference if you have access to a location like this rather than a hotel room floor or, at worst, a bed. Plus from a personal perspective it suits my bjj style to have room for free flowing movement.

We got down to the wrestling and after a light flowy warmup, we got into it. I could tell from the beginning that Lara knows her stuff… she has a very strong guard that can be challenging to pass and some super strong legs as well. I could tell that if I gave Lara any opportunity then she would take advantage and have me in a very bad position. We rolled up and down the mat floor for over an hour and after my time was up, I knew that I had wrestled with a woman who is a genuine bjj purple belt.

I highly recommend Lara for any guy looking for a competitive match with someone who is getting closer and closer to the top in this session world.

Thanks Lara

28 days ago

Had a 2nd session with Lara recently when she was traveling. What I think truly sets Lara apart is that Lara remembered how our 1st session went (1+ year ago), noticed that I was not really at ease back then (which is true; mostly due to me poorly communicating), and took initiative to improve our next session compared to the 1st, in every way possible. And our 2nd session ended up one of the best I had so far. I don’t want to go into too much detail here, but I’d say Lara did everything I asked for, in exactly the way I wished, and even improvising elements that were exactly what I needed to make this even better. All with ideal level of intensity – I see no sign of injury, or anything like that, in direct relation to the session, despite that during the session I was thinking like I’m maybe taking a bit of a risk (with my enthusiastic consent, of course).

2 months ago

Meeting Lara on the mat means that you are completely under her control and makes you think that you will always stay under her control. The intensity that Lara puts in the session makes you believe that there will never be an end. We started with judo and Jiujitsu holds. Lara made great use of my Gi, applying all the collar chokes and strangles that she owns. Within 30 minutes I tapped almost fifty times. Being choked by Lara made me feel high. She executes the hold and then, very smoothly, increases the pressure. Until I tapped or because she expected me to go unconscious soon. After she released me, again the same hold, even a bit tighter. Sometimes she added an armbar or so to increase the pressure. And always checking that I liked it. Because I did, she continued this β€œjudolesson” for more than 40 minutes. Then we moved to bikini and short. The real torture began. Including smothers, facesits, baseball choke, joint lock β€œclinic”. I on my back, on my belly, between her upper legs, under her butt, under her belly, all positions were done.
As I had requested, we moved into smothering training. We agreed a time and then Lara smothered me with whatever she chose. We started at 30” and finished at 90”. At 70 seconds I started to panic, but Lara and I had agreed 90”, so….
After we paused she proposed a 2 minutes smother. With fear in my eyes I could convince her to leave this for now, but had to promise that next session this will be our goal.
Because we still had 10 minutes on the clock, I had a few more beating requests that Lara immediately started to fulfill. As she noticed that I liked it she went from hard, to harder and more to find my limit. In the end she made me beg for mercy. I am sure that she could have gone further, but luckily, she let me go. Lara completely fulfilled my deepest wishes and exceeded them. I fear that I am a bit addicted to this martial arts goddess. For sure she is on my 2025 wishlist.

2 months ago

Today I had a perfect session with Lara. She is unbelievably strong, skilled and very sweet, even when she’s beating you up!

We started with me acting as a punching bag, where I held a ring mounted to the ceiling and she punched and kicked me. She’s very precise, for example in kicking exactly in the sternum. Lara is careful to start with soft hits, dialing it up onto a level you’re comfortable with.

There’s something about seeing her work you over and knowing she could go a lot harder that’s really cool. At one point, her push kick literally threw me back, I couldn’t hold onto the ring and flew onto the ground. And that was only 40% of her strength..

She is very skilled in applying all kinds of holds and chokes, the most impressive for me is her bodyscissor strength. I’m quite tall and I’ve never had a bodyscissor really work. Lara laid down on the ground, with me on top, and really poured it on until I had to tap. It almost felt like my ribcage was compressing in on itself, a very peculiar feeling!

Now I kind of feel like a truck has driven over me, as it should be after such a session πŸ™‚ However I should emphasize that definitely due to good communication, I felt safe the entire time.

Hope to see her again soon πŸ™‚

2 months ago

I can only confirm what everyone already said!

Lara communicated so nicely and clearly, her fighting skills are so impressive, she totally kicked my ass (in a safe way) and forced me to submit.

And… she is a very sweet girl! πŸ‘ Definitely recommend

6 months ago

It is not easy to write this review, because I think whatever I write it is too less to describe this woman.

Last week I had a session with Lara in Frankfurt. Though I heard so much good things about her, I thought it would be a normal session, but I got the best I have ever experienced.

It began with the email conversation to fix the session. I had a lot of very kind and appreciative conversations with sessiongirls so far, Lara could even top it. During this conversation she gives you the feeling that she is really looking forward to you, that you will get a great and nice time. And by the way the description to find the location was the best ever.

Although this should take my nervousness away, it didn’t work. At the morning (my first morning session) of the session I was excited and nervous as hell. As said I couldn’t miss the location, she opened the door and in front of me stood a artwork of a woman, so beautiful, so muscular, but the most important such a warm smile and a heartwarming greeting that I immediately felt as if meeting a good friend knowing for years. My nervousness was gone.

Before describing the session itself, I have to say, the whole time she wants to give you the feeling to give you what you want. You are the important person, you should have fun.
In the first part we did a kind of semi competitive wrestling. You can also call it competitive and one sided.
Lara is so strong and so skilled in different kind of fighting styles that you have no chance. Okay, I am the opposite of skilled and have no fighting experience except the sessions but a stronger and more skilled man would get the same.

To say it short, she kicked my ass badly. She used the whole repertoire of holds and pins and that was a lot. Though it was almost humiliating and partly painful, I had the fun of my life. She wanted to show her strength and skills but on the other side she was always safe with me and took care I was fine. So it was always a good feeling with her.

The second part was a bondage wrestling. The first time for me. I thought it couldn’t be that difficult to avoid being tied up, so I let her do. But that was not what she wanted to do. That was too easy, she said, untied me and the next time I defended myself but without any success. I could do what I want, she managed to tie me up and than punished me with different holds and scissors.

The hour passed too fast. What I have to say is, that besides her strength and skills she is an extremely likable person. So friendly, appreciative and always warmhearted. She shows her interest in you. When some sessiongirls doing just their job, she is just the opposite. She is the woman, you want to be respectful and kind to, cause she gives you the same.

All together I really must say, with a big distance to the next this was the best session ever. She is the best sessiongirl ever. She is the one who makes this session world to a fantastic place to be. Highly recommended would be the biggest understatement to describe her. A session life is only fulfilled with a session with her. So do her and you a favor and book a session with her. It makes your life better, trust me.

9 months ago

Hezky dobry den, v sobotu se me splnil sen a mel jsem setkani s Larou, a velmi rad se s vami podelim o moje zazitky a dojmy. Merim 180 cm a vazim cca 94 kg a proto jsem si myslel, ze Lara pro me nebude az zas tak tezky souper, moje presvedceni vychazelo z jejich fotografii a nejakych videi na webu a zΓ‘roven si nemyslΓ­m, ΕΎe jsem slabΓ½ muz.
Hned pri nasem prvnim setkani tvari v tvar, jsem zjistil, ze ve skutecnosti vypada Lara mnohem lepe, svalnateji, nezli na vsech jejich fotkach, ale zΓ‘roven je velmi aktraktivnΓ­, jako ΕΎena. Uz pri prvnim spolecnem kontaku jsem zjistil, ΕΎe nebude zadny problem ve vzajemne komunikaci s ni. Priznam se, ΕΎe jsem byl nervozni, o to vic, kdyz jsem uvidel ty jeji svaly, a preci jenom jsem sel uplne do neznama a nevedel jsem co mohu ocekavat. Lara delala vse pro to aby ze me moje nervozita spadla co nejdrive.
Jiz pri nasi mailove komunikaci me nabidla, v cem bych si pral aby zapasila, zvolil jsem si jen sportovni bikiny.
Priznam se, ze jsem byl jejim telem uplne fascinovan a nemohl jsem prestat koukal na jeji svalnate paze a zbytek bozskeho tela. Poprosil jsem ji tedy, zda by me mohla zapozovat a nemela sebemensi problem me sve svaly ukazat, mohl jsem se jich dotykat jak jen jsem chtel. Kdyz zvedla ruce a zaΕ₯ala bicepsy, hned me napadlo prirovnani k basebollovemu micku. Dalsi z ceho jsem byl ohromen jsou jeji ramena, je to uzasny pocit cist rukama po krivkach jejiho tela. Dalsi samotnou kapitotou meho obdivu byly jeji nohy. Krasne svalnate a hebke zaroven. Nemohl jsem se toho pohledu a doteku dostatecne nabazit.
Pri nasi komunikaci jeste pred samotnym setkanim se me Lara zeptala, jestli mam nejaky predem dany scenar, nebo co vsechno bych si pral zazit, dala me i nejake predlohy, co vsechno bychom mohli spolu vyzkouset, samozrejme jsem chtel vyzkouset vse co jen bude mozne. Vzala tedy i rukavice na box i na MMA.
Po pozovani prisel cas na samotny zapas. Lara byla usmevava uz od prvni minuty a za celou dobu ten jeji mily usmev ze tvare nezmizel. Jelikoz nejsem v zapaseni vubec trenovany, vrhnul jsem se na ni a nespis nahodou se me podarilo dostat ji do nejakeho skrceni, to byl muj prvni bod. Nicmene jsem hned po zacatku naseho zapaseni zjistil, s kym mam na zinence tu cast byt. Lara je opravdu neskutecne zkusena a velmi silna, silne nejsou jen jeji nohy ale i jeji paze. Svuj prvni bod jsem nejspis ziskal jen diky opatrnosti Lary, protoze nevedela co vse ode me muze cekat a tak byla nejsis jen vice opatrna. Dalsich nekolik nasich kol zapaseni jsem se k zadnemu bodu nedostal. Az jednou po nekolika kolech se me podarilo ji dat dalsi bod. Bohuzel nesportuju pravidelne a tak me s pribyvajicimi koly dochazel dech a trosku i sily, coz se rozhodne nadalo rict o Lare. Celou dobu byla usmevava a v dobre nalade, vubec na ni nebyla znat zadna unava. Celou dobu jsem se citil v jeji spolecnosti velmi bezpecne a mel jsem stale pocit, ze Lara vi na 100% co se mnou dela a dava pozor, abychom se ani jeden nezranili, toho si moc vazim.
Po samotnem zapase jsme si dali lehky box a i tak jsem mel pocit, ze Lara presne vi co ma delat a i to jsem si velmi uzil. Ke konci uz me opravdu dochazel dech a fyzicka, Lara byla stale vesela a v pohode. Poprosil jsem ji aby me ukazala vsechny mozne drzeni, skrceni a sevreni. Velmi ochotne me vse ukazala a predvedla. Snazil jsem vydrzet co nejdele, ale diky jeji sile a skvele znalosti technik, to bohuzel bylo vzdy otazkou par vterin, kdy jsem musel odklepat. Citit, jak se ji napinaji jeji svaly na nohach je nepopsatelny zazitek a zaroven smrtici zkusenost. To same lze ale rici o dalsich skrticich technikach, i tam jsem si uzival pocitu jeji sily a nadvlady. Lara je opravdu velmi silna.
Z celeho naseho setkani si odnasim uzasne pocity ze setkani s velmi prijemnou, sympatickou a komunikativni profesionalkou, ktera vam da presne to, o co si reknete.
Pokud jste stejne jako ja, velkym fandou smiseneho zapasu, zenskych svalu a dominance a chcete poznat uzasnou a velmi prijemnou lidskou bytost, nevahejte a Laru kontaktujte. P.S.: Pokud ale budete po Lare chtit, competitive wrestling, pripravte se na narez a snesitelnou porci kontrolovanΓ© bolesti. Po zapase budete v tele citit kazdy svuj sval, kterΓ½ jste v zapase pouzili. Prijenmy zazitek vsem. Ja osobne jsem u Lary nebyl naposledy, chci dalsi porci zapasu, pozovani a bolesti.

Good day, on Saturday my dream came true and I had a meeting with Lara, and I am very happy to share my experiences and impressions with you. I’m 180 cm tall and weigh about 94 kg, and that’s why I thought that Lara wouldn’t be such a difficult opponent for me, my conviction was based on their photos and some videos on the web, and at the same time, I don’t think that I’m a weak man.
Right from our first face-to-face meeting, I found out that in reality Lara looks much better, more muscular, than worse in all their photos, but at the same time she is very attractive, as a woman. Already at the first joint contact, I found out that there would be no problem in mutual communication with her. I admit that I was nervous, even more so when I saw those muscles of hers, and because I just went into the unknown and didn’t know what to expect. Lara did everything to ease my nervousness as quickly as possible.
Already during our email communication, she asked me what I should wear to fit in, I only chose a sports bikini.
I admit that I was completely fascinated by her body and couldn’t stop looking at her muscular arms and the rest of her divine body. So I asked her if she could position me and she wouldn’t have the slightest problem showing me all my muscles, I could touch them as much as I wanted. When she raised her arms and clenched her biceps, I immediately thought of the comparison to a baseball bat. Another thing I was impressed with are her shoulders, it’s an amazing feeling to run my hands along the curves of her body. Another chapter of my admiration was her legs. Beautifully muscular and smoothly aligned. I couldn’t get enough of the sight and touch.
During our communication, even before the actual meeting, Lara asked me if I had any pre-set scenarios, or what I would like to experience, she also gave me some examples of what we could try together, of course I wanted to try everything possible. So she also took boxing and MMA gloves.
After the interview, it was time for the match itself. Lara was smiling from the first minute, and during the whole time, her sweet smile did not disappear from her shape. Since I’m not trained at all in wrestling, I threw myself at her and almost by chance I managed to get her in some sort of a chokehold, that was my first point. However, right after the start of our relationship, I found out with whom I was supposed to live on the island. Lara is really incredibly experienced and very strong, not only her legs are strong but also her arms. I probably got my first point only thanks to Lara’s caution, because she didn’t know what to expect from me, so you were just more careful. I didn’t get to the back point after several laps. And once after several laps I managed to give her another point. Unfortunately, I don’t do sports regularly, so with the increasing number of rounds, I was running out of breath and a little bit of strength, which could definitely be said about Lara. The whole time she was smiling and in a good mood, there was no sign of tiredness at all. The whole time I felt very safe in her company and I always had the feeling that Lara knows 100% what she is doing with me and makes sure that neither of us get hurt, which I really appreciate.
After the match itself, we did some light boxing and even then I had the feeling that Lara knew exactly what to do and I enjoyed that very much. By the end I was really out of breath and physically, Lara was still happy and at ease. I asked her to show me all possible holds, crouching and pinching. She was very willing to show me everything. I tried to hold out as long as possible, but thanks to her strength and excellent knowledge of techniques, unfortunately it was always a question of a few seconds when I had to knock back. To hear how her leg muscles tense up is an indescribable experience and at the same time a deadly experience. However, the same can be said about other shorthand techniques, even there I enjoyed the feeling of her power and dominance. Lara is really very strong.
From our entire meeting, I will take away the wonderful feelings of meeting a very pleasant, sympathetic and communicative professional who will give you exactly what you ask for.
If, like me, you are a big fan of mixed wrestling, female muscle and dominance, and you want to meet a wonderful and very pleasant human being, do not hesitate to contact Lara. P.S.: But if you want Lara, competitive wrestling, prepare yourself for a cut and a tolerable portion of controlled pain. After the match, you will feel every muscle in your body that you used in the match. We welcome everyone’s experience. I personally wasn’t at Lara’s last time, I want another portion of wrestling, posing and pain.

9 months ago

Recently I dreamed that, after a fight with a sessiongirl, I couldn’t sleep well during a week because of pain. Well, this dream has now come to reality. My session with Lara is a week ago and almost all pains are finally gone. Was she uncareful? No, the contrary is true. She is very careful, socal, charming, well listening and makes sure you have a great time and all reasonable wishes are fulfilled. And yes, she is also very skilled, wants to really fight you, and she wants to win all the points. We started off in judo Gi’s and on our knees. Lara looked wonderful in her borrowed Gi, and was happy to see I wore a Gi too. So immediately she grabbed my collar and started to work me to the ground. On my back, on my belly, every time she ended on top of me and started to work towards a tap. Chokes (by arms and legs) were clearly her and mine favorites, although the effectiveness of her armbars shouldn’t be denied either. She turned on the power and increased the pain step by step. When she saw how I enjoyed her dominance, she increased her grip step by step until my tap. Again and again. Is she a sadist? She doesn’t think so, nor do I, but clearly she is able to punish you hard when you ask for it, as I did. As she said: you like torture, right?
After we changed to bikini and shorts I noticed the powerful arms of Lara. I already had felt her power during the chokes she applied, but now I was even more eager to see them in full action. So I asked Lara to force me on my back, sit on me and choke me by using the Gi trousers that I had just taken off. So she did, The feeling was so great that I forgot to tap and to both our surprise she KO’ed me in just a few seconds. When I returned to daylight we both laughed. She immediately checked if I was OK. She is so careful, which makes me feel so safe when I am under her control.
After a serie body scissors and a foot domination/armbar hold we moved to another exiting part of our session. Breast smothers and face sits. She limited my air intake so well that I had to tap quickly. Lara then allowed me a little bit of air but immediately took me in the same hold. This was repeated for a few times until I panicked. Lara was so kind to allow me some air. But of course only she decided if this was the end or another round of breath torture was going to happen. I love her perfect balance in being charming and being totally in control of what was going to happen.
When time was over we had a coffee and a nice chat about various topics. Lara is very open.
As she is not a time watcher, she had to hurry up for the next session. So I left her with a big hug before she was going to take a shower.

Last edited 9 months ago by sankaku60
10 months ago

So I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Lara in Frankfurt. The booking process, to be honest, pushed dear Lara in my list of most favorite session ladies ever, even before we met the first time!
She responded very friendly and I had no hestitations at all to send her the deposit.

The day before the session a detailed describtion how to reach the location helped to find the place right away. Even though, I booked a couple of sessions with other ladies before, I felt very nervous and the describtion eased that up a lot! Amazing!

It’s hard to describe the session itself. Yes, amazing again, sporty, mean, sweaty, safe and we were laughing and cracking jokes all the time. I think I’m, a quite complicated session client, because I struggle a lot, don’t like to give in (something I had to do a lot). I just love-hate getting forced into holds. Escpecially feet and facesitting. I just hope Lara liked this too! The latter is so important to me! I love people who have fun at work and do all I can to help with his.

I was just lucky Lara forgot the ropes that were lying around in the room or she didn’t dare to use them πŸ˜€

Lara didn’t like “my one-day-beard” and asked me to shave it πŸ˜€ I loved this honesty so much! Of course I did that! I could hug Lara again, just for this honesty! It makes things so much easier!

Well, this session was awesome, and I’m very happy to have met Lara.

I would love to meet again anytime, if she’d like that too!

Thank you so much, Lara!

1 year ago

Hello everyone !
Today I had the first session of 2024, the second session with Lara and I am happy, surprised and thrilled. She is great in everything she does. Clearly cheeky, demanding and dominant. Your strength and endurance leave me speechless. Lara has incredibly good technique and she plays with you on the mat. I actually wanted to show her what my motto is, “never give up”, no chance I had to give up hundreds of times. What I like to do is to end up right back in one of your handles or scissors. It’s amazing how playfully she does it, always with a smile, sometimes happily, sometimes out of pity. I had total confidence the entire time. Lara definitely knows what she’s doing and how she does it. A session girl of the extra class. I can only thank you and look forward to the next meeting. My conclusion
: We recommend. With a lot of respect and politeness you will get a lot in return on the mat.

1 year ago

Just met Lara today and she did nothing but leave me speechless for the whole two hours.

She was one of these wrestlers who intimidate me, even though she is a visibly quiet person, it’s obvious she likes dominating and inflicting main to her opponents/victims.
It didn’t take long before I became her plaything, in a few minutes she had me wrapped in ropes, despite me not mentioning any bondage interest, and the festival of brutal chokes and mighty squeezes began.

Lara can be very sadistic, which deeply contrasts with her angelic face and her bright smile. Tapping didn’t help me (I asked for ignored taps), and I could clearly see how much she was having amking my suffering last between her various holds. Her knockouts were also something, from my perspective they were pretty smooth, and she’s one of the rare people I’ve met who can choke me out with a rear naked choke. At some point a little voice inside my head told me I shouldn’t have taken two hours X) Of course that little voice had to shut up quickly, because my meeting with Lara was truly wonderful.

Although she can be sadistic as hell, Lara was very safe when applying the holds (0 joint locks), and after such a tussle, we definitely broke the ice and can’t wait to meet her again.
Very highly recommended!

1 year ago

Today I’ve met Lara in ZΓΌrich. She is a beautiful woman with dark hair and blue eyes. – A combination I really like. She said she is practicing different martial art styles for 16 years. I practiced Taekwondo for 7 years in my teenage time. Lara and I have about the same height and weight. We agreed to competetive wrestling and competetive MMA.

We started with wrestling and I was within seconds under her control and she was very creative doing it. I really tried to defend myself and when I thought I gained control, she taught me better by applying choke holds or scissors.

Then we switched to MMA where I thought I would have some chance, but she was much faster than me and I effectively became instantly her punching bag. I had to give even faster up than when we wrestled, because MMA is propably the heavist martials arts out there and she soon had me on the floor in a hold and punching me and I wasn’t able to defend myself or put any effective resistance.

It’s incredible she could all this with me within seconds and if someone is looking for a real deal, then Lara is probably the right sparring partner.

1 year ago

Hi Everyone,

I just can confirm what Higgens69 said, it’ s all 100% true! I really do respect her for she really likes what she is doing and gives it her all. Moreover she is stunning athletic and you really can see she has so much fighting experience, it was quite clear from the start I would have to submit myself quite quickly, but hoped I could stay unbeaten a bit longer! Arms and legs everywhere, so most of the time you don’ t know what’ s happening and how she manages to do this! Also, she really did everything to realize the session for she had a delay on her arrival, of course not her fault, so I could prepare myself at Amata’ s place, which is a nice place to session and for filming!
I already miss her like crazy for she is such a nice and beautiful person, please guys, do me a favour, treat her with respect, wish I could visit her many times, forever addicted! Thank you Lara! Love you forever!

1 year ago

Hello everyone!
If I had to recommend a session girl, it would have to be Lara the Warrior! If you want to experience a sporty fireworks display, you’ve come to the right place. You’re guaranteed to find yourself on the mat under her and have to tap out. She is beautiful, but don’t be fooled, because she is all the stronger and more dangerous for you, Lara has the clearer will to always give her best and clearly to dominate you. She is happy to fulfill her wishes, which are within limits, and she requires respectful interaction. Me too, by the way. My conclusion: 110% satisfied and enthusiastic. Always happy if it’s possible, hope it’s possible more often. Lara is so well trained in various martial arts techniques that she is really impressive. One of the best session girls for me

1 year ago

Hello everyone,

A few times a year, I attend wrestling sessions.
I’m quite selective about whom I book sessions with, and Lara had been on my “wishlist” for a few years,
but I hadn’t gotten around to booking a session with her.

Until yesterday in Dusseldorf, a 2-hour session where I had requested bondage wrestling combined with pins, scissors, and choking. And let me tell you, I felt the effects. Despite the weight difference (I’m much heavier), she showed me every corner of the mat, binding me in bondage several times, and I had no chance to prevent it, just as I had asked.

Arranging a session with Lara is quick and straightforward; she responds well and promptly to your emails.
I’m truly impressed with Lara. She’s a friendly and warm woman who is very easy to get along with.
However, once on the mat, you don’t stand a chance.

For me, this was one of the best sessions I’ve ever had, and I immediately booked another session for the future.

Thank you, Lara. See you in Amsterdam!

1 year ago

I’ve been meaning to leave a review for a session I had with the amazing Lara in NYC in May 2023.

It was at a gym, which was kinda surprising since I’m used to hotel rooms. But I liked the gym.

Unfortunately the booking process started out not too well, because I was having trouble sending a deposit to Europe. I wasn’t afraid of losing money or anything like that, rather I was afraid to be taken for a scammer and blocked. But thankfully Lara was very patient with me and we were able to sort it out.

On the day of the session I ended up being a bit early but Lara called me in and made me feel relaxed right away. She’s very friendly. And stunning. It’s a nice facility btw.

I usually go for playful wrestling with ball busting, foot worship etc. but I had so much fun with the playful wrestling that we didn’t do the latter.

Lara is very skilled and though my weight makes me somewhat strong, even when I was able to leverage my weight a bit by being able to get a temporary dominant position, I’d end up in some sort of choke or arm lock right away. Due to this I often found myself backing up trying to avoid contact, because once she got a hold of me I’d find myself in a bad situation almost immediately.

As a lark I asked her to take me down with single/double legs against the wall. She tossed me to the ground like a 3 year old child. It’s absurd.

Anyway 10/10 experience and I’ll definitely book again when she comes back to this area.

1 year ago

I waited 3 months to see this wonderful individual and let me tell you it was worth it!!

l am still in awe from such an experience I had with Lara.
Never have I been in the type of submission moves before with a female professional fighter. I tapped out everytime.
Lara has such a bright and promising future. I hope to see her in the octagon ring kicking butt and winning titles in the near future.

1 year ago

I had my session with Lara in April 23′.

It was very competitive and with fast movements.
With high intensity it all lasted for 55 minutes to the point when I collapsed on the mat and I was unable to continue the session.
Believe me, I have tried everything I possibly could, but Lara was just playing with me.
I am not weak or untrained but she is just on another level with her top BJJ skills.
Whatever I tried she was able to counter it and defend it.
I had few good positions where I believed Lara would tap to me however she managed to escape each time. I couldn’t do anything apart of desperate and hopeless attacks.
At some point, Lara smiled at me and she said: “I admire your spirit”.

After being submitted too many times I started to complain that the session is really one sided and she is not allowing me to do anything. Lara answered to this: “Do not worry, we still have 15 minutes left so you still have a chance to win – just keep trying”!”
The final score was about 50:1.
Yes, I managed to persuade Lara to tap to me once, but I am not sure if I was extremely lucky or if she just let me win.
Perhaps, seeing my efforts and dedication Lara decided to let my win at least this one time.
I have learned a lot from Lara and I was driving home extremely happy.

I was totally unharmed – with no injuries at all – despite of very intense grappling.

I believe, it was due to Lara’s high skills and years of martial arts experience.
As a professional, Lara was able to “let me go” in exactly right moments before anything bad could happen.
She was able to hear when I was loosing my breath and she was able to hear me when I was in pain. That gave me confidence I can trust her with my health and life.
Lara is a very safe wrestler. She does not want to hurt anybody and she is aiming to win using her technique rather than strength.
Lara is not lazy at all but explosive, dynamic, energetic and she can deliver right amount of energy to her opponent.
Be careful as she has also has a lot of power in her disposal if needed.
Once Lara decided to go hard on me, I was forced to tap in less that 10 seconds.
She did it to me few times just to prove the point so I could have a taste of her physical power, skills and performance.
Please do not provoke Lara for no reason – that is my advice.
Be reasonable with her and she will be reasonable with you in return.
It works both ways, so if you get your attitude right and keep your ego away you can have a wonderful session and you can learn a lot from Lara.
If you thing you are a tough person Lara will definitely give you some reality check (and after the session you will have something to think about…)

Lara is an absolute perfection and session with her is the best.
You might struggle to find session girl of such a high caliber.
Please go and try for yourself and you will say thank you to me later on.
Lara is not the opponent you should miss.
She is a “must to do grappler” which you need to session with at least once in your lifetime.

Enough said.


1 year ago

I know Lara for a long time,
I asked her costum video about POV lift and carry.
Lara, so great, So beautiful, respectful, and committed, naturally so strong,
She is very friendly.
She made to me an exellent video.
I dream every day to meet her, and I do a session with her.
If you want a real session or wonderful custom video,
I nominate to you Lara.
Lara is the best.

2 years ago

After years of admiring from afar, I travelled from the US to Brno to meet Lara.
It was well worth the trip.
This is an athlete at the top of her game – up there with the likes of VeVe and Sheena.
In grappling she uses her training in multiple disciplines plus her perfectly sculpted physique to command the mat. Every move attempted against her is countered and her attacking style is fluid and powerful.
One thing you won’t be doing unless you are at an incredibly high level yourself, is making her tap in a competitive contest!
However, Lara will measure herself to your requirements and if you want her to play submissive, she will do that too. She is both incredibly friendly and conscious to make the session exactly what you want it to be.
It is a trip I will be making again.

2 years ago

Lara is awesome.
She is very communicative and easygoing, replies to emails. I had no problem booking the session.
She agreed on the session to do anything i asked, chokes, kicks, knees, punches to the face and body. She was scissoring me and applied various holds one me.
It was very painful and nice fun.
Definitely recommend.

2 years ago

This spring, I had a semi-comp session with Lara in Brno. From her photos, you can tell she is beautiful and incredibly fit, from her videos, you can tell she is highly skilled and strong. Yet nothing prepares you for how amazing is this young lady in when you meet her face to face – how much fun is to wrestle and chat with her, and how greaty she can utilize her strength and skills to make an unforgetable session for you. Our session was rather playful than competitive, but I do not doubt she would dominate the match even in more comeptitive setting. I had to tap many times, and I enjoyed every second of that. And what’s best, Lara seemed to genuinely enjoy it, too!

Definitelly looking forward to meet this rare gem again soon!

2 years ago

I met Lara a few days ago for a scissors session and it was great!
She nice and reactive by mail, and really nice (and beautiful) in person. We started with a few rounds, I generally ended up taping quite fast. After some point, we switched to scissors/chokes, and she totally destroyed me, she has a good squeeze and good technique, so it’s either tap or nap (but she won’t go past your limits).
I would definitely see her again if I have the occasion. Only disappointment is that she won’t travel much in the near future, so you have to visit Brno to meet her (but she is 100% worth the visit)

3 years ago

Session with Lara in Brno was amazing!! Great and fast email communication before session. She is very empathic and asked me several times what IΒ΄d like during the session. Lara is very hot amazon girl and has everything – great skills, power, sexy muscle…She beat me in competition wrestling, but all techniques were very safe.
I rate it 10/10 !

3 years ago

This is a review based on pictures and description, if indeed all of the above is accurate without a doubt this girl to me is the Hottest girl on this site and that body is without 1 doubt the tightest and strongest body ive seen yet, Here is hoping that 1 day this girl is on top of me pinning me to the ground with a wrestling Hold

3 years ago
Reply to  diecastmike1
