Lady Mara

Location: Germany , OTHER, Oldenburg | Berlin | FMTY
Email: [email protected]
Last Activity: 01/29/2025 Joined: 11/23/2024
Height: 6'2” - 188 cm
Weight: 160 lbs - 72.6 kg
Physique: Athletic
Years Of Experience: 1-5 years

Tip Me
Oldenburg | Berlin | Open to Travel | Fly Me To You
I speak German and English
If you are curious & interested in news, have a look here.
Don’t forget to follow, to make sure you don’t miss anything.
Lady Mara:
… oder hast du gar bei deiner strengen Sportlehrerin nachzusitzen?
Die Lady bringt dich ins Schwitzen.
Ich liebe die Herausforderung, nehme sie ernst, doch wirst du schnell merken,
dass auch Witz und lachen in meinem Repetitor zu finden sind.
Ich darf dich zwischendurch Necken!? Um so besser.
Muay Thai Shorts + wohlgeformte lange Beine + ein starkes Mindset!
Na, wer kann da noch nein sagen!?
Und das Beste, Schweiss stört mich ebenso wenig, wie eine zerraufte Frisur und zerflossenes Make Up.
Sei mein Gast, Gegenüber oder Gegner, auf dass wir uns auf den großzügigen Matten richtig austoben koennen.
Du musst nicht sportlich sein um einen Termin bei mir zu erhalten.
Anfänger sind ebenso herzlich Willkommen.
… or do you even have detention with your strict sports teacher?
This lady will make you sweat.
I love a challenge, I take it seriously, but you’ll soon realise,
that you will also find humour and laughter in my Repetitor.
Can I tease you in between? So much the better.
Muay Thai shorts + well-shaped long legs + a strong mindset!
Who can say no to that?
And best of all, sweat doesn’t bother me any more than a messy hairstyle and runny make-up.
Be my guest, counterpart or opponent, so that we can really let off steam on the spacious mats.
You don’t have to be sporty to get an appointment with me.
Beginners are just as welcome.
In meinem Herzen bin ich eine sehr neugierige, flexible und experimentierfreudige junge Dame,
die Dir bei Bedarf ebenso Sicherheit, Kraft sowie Ruhe geben kann — immer dann, wenn Du es wünschst;
oder, … sollte es vielleicht eher „danach winselst“ heißen!?
Hormone, Dopamin, Ausgeglichenheit, ein ruhiger Geist gepaart mit dem Wachstum über eigene Grenzen hinauszugehen.
Ich liebe die Bewegung, das Aktive mit all seinen Vorzügen.
In my heart I am a very curious, flexible and adventurous young lady,
who can also give you security, strength and peace of mind when you need it – whenever you want it;
or, … perhaps it should rather be ‘whimpering for it’?
Hormones, dopamine, balance, a calm mind paired with the growth to go beyond your own limits.
I love movement, being active with all its benefits.
Die klassische Woche der Lady ist gespickt mit unterschiedlichen Einheiten;
Muay Thai, K1, Olympisches Ringen, funktionelles Training sowie Ashtanga Yoga.
Dass ich gerne auf dem SUP Board unterwegs bin, Kletter oder Wandere zählt für mich weniger als Training,
doch ist es ggf. spannend für dich zu wissen.
Nicht weil ich muss, sondern aus Spaß an der Freude — aktiv sein ist von klein auf Bestandteil meines Lebens.
Umso passender also, dass ich den erotischen Wrestling-Bereich für mich und meine Leidenschaft entdeckt habe.
Ich bringe Erfahrung in einem sehr breiten Spektrum mit und möchte dir einen sicheren Raum bieten,
in dem du deine Fantasien gemeinsam mit mir erkunden und erweitern kannst.
The Lady’s classic week is sprinkled with different training sessions;
Muay Thai, K1, Olympic wrestling, functional training and Ashtanga yoga.
The fact that I enjoy SUP boarding, climbing and hiking doesn’t count as training for me,
but it might be interesting for you to know.
Not because I have to, but for the sheer pleasure of it – being active has been part of my life from a young age.
So it’s all the more fitting that I have discovered the erotic wrestling sector for myself and my passion.
I have experience in a very broad spectrum and offer you a safe space,
in which you can explore and expand your fantasies together with me.
Du liebst Beine? Wohl trainiert und zart?
Dann bist Du bei mir genau richtig;
Selbstbestimmte Anmut, gepaart mit Entschlossenheit und Erfahrung.
Ich liebe die Raffinesse, das Geben intensiver Erlebnisse.
Ernst und streng; jedoch gerne auch herrlich grinsend, mit einem wohldosierten schwarzen Humor,
kann ich vor Dir stehen. Intelligenz auf höchstem Niveau.
Erfahre mehr über mich & mein Repertoire im schwarzen Bereich des BDSM:
• Lady Mara // Siehe oben: Personal Website 1 & 2
Do you love legs? Well trained and marvellous?
Then you’ve come to the right place;
Self-determined grace, paired with strength and experience.
I love refinement and giving intense experiences.
Serious and strict, but also with a wonderful grin and a good dose of black humour,
I can stand in front of you. Intelligence at the highest level.
Find out more about me & my repertoire in the black sector of BDSM:
• Lady Mara // See above: Personal Website 1 & 2
Du möchtest gerne, weißt jedoch noch gar nicht so genau „Wie & Was“?
Neues bedeutet schnell Ungewissheit und Aufregung. Doch das muss nicht sein.
Ich nehme mir Zeit für Dich sowie Deine Wünsche, Neugierde und Fragen.
Lass uns bei Deinem Termin gemeinsam herausfinden, was Dir liegt und wovon
es gerne das gewisse „Mehr“ für Dich sein darf.
You would like to join us, but don’t yet know exactly ‘how & what’?
New things quickly mean uncertainty and tension. But that doesn’t have to be the case.
I always take time for you and your wishes, curiosity and questions.
Let’s find out together at your appointment what you like and what
you would like to have that certain ‘more’.
Kontaktiere mich bitte stets schriftlich, damit ich deine Anfrage jederzeit beantworten kann.
(Telegram / Whatsapp / E-Mail)
Ich freue mich auf Dich.
Please always contact me in writing so that I can answer your enquiry at any time.
(Telegram / Whatsapp / E-Mail)
I look forward hearing from you.
• Gender + Pronoun.
• Your physical data (height/weight).
• Where should your appointment take place (Oldenburg, Berlin, FMTY?)
• The type of session you are interested in.
• Over what period of time would you like to have a session?
(1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours, … etc)
• Some preferred days and times.
• Martial arts experience.
(Private training and session bookings)
• What is your experience in wrestling sessions?*
(e.g.: 1st appointment / beginner / regular visitor)
• What are your mixed material arts desires / Your BDSM interests and fetishes?
What do you want to explore in your session with me?
• What are your hard limits?
• References, if you have any.
Please help me to help you by providing as much information as possible in the first email.
If you are not yet clear about your schedule, please wait until you know it.
You can find my tour schedule always up-to-date in my free Telegram channel
It would be a shame for you to miss the opportunity to meet me.
• A ‘Hello’ and ‘Hi, how are you?’ or “how strong are ou?” will not be answered.
The same applies to questions about nudity of the mistress, topless wrestling oder fee negotiations.
In this case, I assume that you’re not seriously interested in a session with me.
• I only reserve appointments with a deposit.
Europa Wide.
I consider a well planed travel to you should the session request, destination, and accommodations please me.
I require airfare, transportation and accommodations to be covered, and a session deposit made at the time of booking.
If you are interested in updates of when I will be touring your area, subscribe to my telegram channel or apply writing directly via email.
• Inform yourself in advance about my complete service.
• Taboos: including nudity of the mistress, topless wrestling …
• No free picture dispatch or service of any kind!
• Please contact me in good time to allow sufficient time for communication and organisation.
Services Offered
- Phone Chat
- Semi-Competitive Wrestling
- Fantasy Wrestling
- Submission Wrestling
- Pin Wrestling
- 2 on 1 Wrestling
- Couples Wrestling
- Muay Thai
- Grappling
- Fantasy Boxing
- Semi-Competitive Kickboxing
- Fantasy Kickboxing
- 2 or More on 1 Handicap Matches
- Tag Team Matches
- Armwrestling
- Tickle Wrestling
- Scissoring
- Feats of Strength
- Lift and Carry
- Belly PunchingIn-Gym
- Bondage Wrestling
- Muscle Admiration
- Others: Please email request
Dominatrix Services
- Beatdowns
- Bondage
- Breath Play
- Chastity Control
- Corporal Punishment
- Crossdressing
- Face Sitting
- Financial Domination
- Foot Fetish
- Hosiery
- Humiliation
- Latex/Leather/PVC
- Role Play
- Sensory Deprivation
- Smoking
- Spanking
- Tickling
- Trampling
- Water sports
- Wax Play
- Whipping
- Muscle Admiration
- Others: Please email request
Date Begins | Date Leaving | City | Area | Country |
02/10/2025 | 02/17/2025 | Berlin Tempelhof / 1 Week | OTHER | Germany |
02/21/2025 | 02/28/2025 | Oldenburg | OTHER | Germany |
- 02/10/2025 Berlin, Tempelhof
Februar 2025 – 1 Week

I will be traveling to Berlin for one week in February 2025
10.02 – 17.02.
Bookings are open!
Contact: [email protected]
4 cm mats, 3 m2 +
Studio Lux is the place to be.
In the meantime.
If you are curious & interested in news, please have a look here.
Don’t forget to follow – it would be a shame to miss the opportunity to meet me on the mats.
Lady Mara
- 04/11/2025 Berlin, Tempelhof
APRIL 2025 – 1 Week

You’ll be able to meet me again in Berlin in mid-April.
Will you take the opportunity?
Bookings will open soon!
Contact: [email protected]
We will meet on the mats of the legendary Studio LUX.
4 cm mats, 3 m2 +
I had the pleasure of meeting lady Mara a few weeks ago in Berlin, and as soon as I saw her I was amazed by how tall and beautiful she is, she welcomed me with great kindness and we talked a bit about how to carry out our session, she offers various sessions services and is truly knowledgeable in everything she does. We started our session with 4 rounds of arm wrestling and she won them all, she’s really strong, she impressed me.. I had had 5 other sessions before this one with other girls but I have to say that this was an unforgettable experience. I recommend it to all lovers of beautiful and strong Amazons!! 😜
Kind regards,
Riccardo 😊
Hello everyone,
I’m already very impressed with Lady Mara. A session is currently being planned, which is of course difficult if you don’t live in and around Berlin and Oldenburg. But it’s not an obstacle to do it anyway and to my personal surprise, contacting Lady Mara is very easy and good if you know exactly what you want. Since she also offers sporty mixed wrestling sessions on the mat, I’m excited to test it out. Your passion for it strengthened me again.
Then during my research I heard a podcast from her about wrestling, wrestling, scissors and now we’re starting the final planning.
I’m so positively impressed that the anticipation really increases. Lady Mara is truly an asset to the mix wrestling scene.
All I can recommend is try it out for yourself.
Kind regards, Henry xx
Hallo zusammen,
Ich bin jetzt schon sehr beeindruckt von Lady Mara. Es läuft erst die Planung einer Session, was schwierig ist natürlich wenn man nicht in und um Berlin und Oldenburg wohnt. Was aber kein Hindernis ist es trotzdem zu tun und zu meiner persönlichen Überraschung ist der Kontakt zu Lady Mara sehr einfach und gut wenn man genau weiß was man möchte. Da sie auch sportliche Mix-Wrestling-Session anbietet auf der Matte, bin ich Feuer und Flame es zu testen. Ihre Leidenschaft dafür hat mich nochmals gestärkt.
Dann bekam ich bei meinen Recherchen eine Podcast von ihr zu hören über wrestling, ringen, scissors und nun geht’s in die finale Planung.
Bin so positiv beeindruckt, da steigt die Vorfreude erst richtig. Lady Mara ist wirklich eine Bereicherung für die Mix Wrestling Szene.
Ich kann nur eine Empfehlung aussprechen, probiert es selber aus.
Ganz liebe Grüße Henry xx